
@nxdu: And this is why. Fix this and we're all on board.

Do you have GoodReader? It can pull pics out of Apple's Photo Gallery app and has an FTP client built in.

Would the owner of a red Pontiac please report to the ticket booth.

Fancy Brataccas bombshell...

@Burke: That's pretty much the defacto standard for all superhero permutations any more. DC's had major events where parallel Earths meet or clash.

@CorporateRobot: But, aside from the first time, it's clear on the video that he's NOT pressing that button. I was referring to the claims that he was selecting it with this thumb, and his thumb is clearly nowhere near that button.

Even if he is intentionally or unintentionally tapping the screen with his thumb rather than his finger, it wouldn't explain why the machine is doing a straight party vote instead of only picking the person tapped.

@MikeSWelch: They could implement a system where apps have to be approved by a central authority, and are only available through that authority. Perhaps even implement some sort of 'kill switch' that lets that authority delete an app remotely if something like this were to still get through.

How about just linking to a page with the first amendment?

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Just sentence him to driving a Reliant Robin. That will cure his speeding real quick.

On the NPR coverage of this story it was mentioned that a Facebook rep stated that they remove applications and provides that violate Facebook privacy policy.

Having seen a bit on how obsessive the Japanese can be about growing fruit to 'perfection' I can believe that'd be the cost of a pumpkin. Looks like they're all about he same size and shape.

How about 'fingerprint scanning' on the USB stick that was sent?

@Mark 2000: I was thinking of ways to be a complete ass, but the battery isn't what the MagSafe connector is for. Look closely at the top pic. There's only one MagSafe plug shown between those three devices.

@OCEntertainment: Inspired by NASA's new direction, Google will be launching Booble, an image archive of...

Just goes to show that for all the wonders they've photographed with the Hubble and other expensive equipment, what the guys at NASA really want to look at are boobies.

@ka1axy: He's acknowledged that it's a starting fund. He expects it will cost a lot more money and research to fully finish.

The Transformers 3 article you link to now says the exact opposite.

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@DogsOfWar: Not just SGU. The 'emotional montage' has become a cliche in short order due to overuse.

@Matthew Kidd: There's a difference between giving no impression and giving the opposite impression.