
"Those cheap earphones you keep buying year after year?"

I understand that a good freezer can keep your money safe.

"The DMCA isn't working for content people at all."

@DaveExile: I don't understand how this is any different on any other platform? Windows doesn't come with any special DVD ripping software, and almost all the encoding software I've seen has pre-made settings for iPad and iPhone. There's also at least one app for the Mac which is probably as close to

"It's also an oxymoron: Liquid, metal."

Their advertising campaign can't be helping. From watching the commercial it looks like their phone is aimed at tattooed hot rod mechanics and obsessive compulsive maniacs who love that when they send an instant message, "I KNOW YOU READ IT!"

@Grindhouse Murders: Yeah, Apple is actually the victim in all this, in that their private information was being sold without the company getting any benefit from it. All the cash was going to that Devine worm.

@GeneralError: What you ask is kind of in line with what I'm wondering. He's basically a middle man. How much do the people who create the resources he resells (apps, ad space) actually get?

Uhm... looking at that list most of the contenders are "not out yet" or "just announced". The ones that have been physically held and reviewed don't fare well.

Haha, I think I've seen the end result of this path before. Misogynistic and bat-carp crazy, photocopying his hand-scrawled nonsensical ramblings in order to 'preserve' them. Or, in about 20 years, posting them to a web site, which no one reads because everyone has moved on to some other technology.

Uhm... iDisk has let you play music files and share files for a while now. What's new is that iOS allows it to do it in the background.

@newman001: I'm just pointing out that LEGO sets sold to "build a specific thing" date back as far as 1955. So it was already "over" before you ever got your first set. There were purpose built parts even then, such as garage doors and trees.

It's a mouse. Maybe akin to Apple's Magic Mouse, but I'm pretty sure a mouse. The flat rubbery-looking part is the body, where your palm rests, with the 'Microsoft' tag going along the bottom of the mouse. The glossy bit is the button end.

@Strider-No.9: I know a guy they can buy one from if they want to review it.

How odd. I got one of those Faraday shake flashlights the other day in a box just like that. When I turned it on it damn near blinded me, and it wasn't even pointed at my face.

The downside is it's going to make the compass useless, so I won't know if my fridge door is facing north or east.

@Lupison: Yeah, the hard drive in that thing is going to be all kinds of messed up.

@cc: I've never had it overheat or seen any of the issues claimed in the lawsuit.

According to the letter, he must pay them nothing to continue getting serivce. Ergo, if he pays them something, they'll cancel his service. QED, free service!