
The Nazis didn't just consider skin color when it came to defining what made a person a specific 'race', they included pseudo-scientific categories as body measurements, like skull and eye shapes, in order to categorize you. And of course there's your parentage — not to mention that albinism is probably classified as

To chime in a bit more for my part, the Nazis were concerned enough about Jews passing themselves off as 'Aryans' that they would occasionally resort to random genital inspections — at least in an attempt to capture any secret Jewish men. A few Americans were placed under suspicion in this way while traveling through

There was plenty of torch jazz music in the thirties and early forties, when the US was still independent in this timeline.

Not quite. Tagomi saw Juliana's half of the necklace Frank made and recognized it. He found the other half at the shooting site and has been handling it for a day or two; Frank's jewelry has strange, cosmological effects on people — or at least on certain Japanese people.

I was concerned about this, because the book firmly implies that the Nazis took the Holocaust to the next level in Africa, and that there are no free black people anywhere else on the planet, at least as far as the characters know. I admit that's pretty much how the Nazis would try to play it, but that also won't make