
And dont forget price.

To be fair, that’s my reason for ANY new car. 🤣

OSHA says drink plenty of water and take appropriate breaks. LOTS of industrial areas are extremely hot. Nobody is air-conditioning a steel mill.

But Miller High Life is the Champagne of beers.

Hey Fain, what does Harris know about the automotive industry? A California prosecutor prominent for marijuana cases against minorities doesn’t know much.  Let’s take this a step further, what do you know about the auto industry, Shawn Fain?

I guess they gotta bring the hits back, for... hits..

i WisH I cOuLd undErSTaNd ThIs BuT  i”M jUsT StoOP1d aMerCaN


Agreed. The Tacoma has gone a little psycho in it’s styling.

Seems about white that she’d get such a low blonde.  

Nebra... Sorry, couldn’t resist.

Personally, I just wish it was an actual Toyota product made from actual Toyota parts and pieces and didn’t look the way it did. The Bimmer version looks much better, and that’s saying a LOT considering current BMW designs.

Another bunch of greedy assholes ruin a company. Anyone else as sick of VC and hedge funds ruining great companies as I am?  Fucking VC. ARRRGGGH

This is what happens when the author majors in English or Art History.  

Pennies? Luxury... I had to get up in the morning at ten o’clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, eat a lump of cold poison, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad would have the train run over us, and dance about on our

A quarter?? Look at Richie Rich over here! Back in MY day we were happy with squished PENNIES!! 

Dear Toyota,

I love that they tried, they just missed the mark on multiple levels

The original Porsche 911, I’m sorry, but it is garbage. The later versions much improved on it.

“last abandoned airport in the world”?

I’m not watching solely because of that clickbait title