
There are 2 primary types of wireless signals we use daily, wifi & bluetooth. Any wireless device around you right now uses 1 or both of those signals. A longtime, well-known vulnerability of those signals is that the initial connection is the easiest time to “hack” the connection. As noted above, it’s not some

These look pretty great, have a killer engine, and are aging gracefully.

On the one hand, sure.  On the other hand, death by train is perhaps the easiest type of death to avoid already, and I’m not sure how possible it is to prevent a determined suicide.

Can’t believe they left that part out. Why, God? WHY??!!

It’s not the store design that’s stopping people from going to Subway, it’s the crappy sandwiches.


It’s over 17 feet long, so hopefully you’ve got a big yacht.

You know who has money for these things, people in tech.. you what people in tech love...

Well, as long as we agree on that.

News aggregator aggregates news, news at 11.

I had a ‘98 GT that, to my eyes, looked much better than the ‘01 GT that replaced it - even though the ‘01 had much better performance.

That guy is an asshole of the highest order and should get booted from the app as a driver. 

Excellent example, but:

Connor, Scout, Kyle, Caleb...No undergrad so Chad is a non-starter.


Jayson with the y would’ve been up there, but I guess that’s the dad.


The only thing better would be if his middle name was Wayne.  

I think the 2019 Camaro nosejob along with the “fix” attributed to people just not buying them. along with Chevy so keen to try and satisfy Camaro boomer fans but constantly launching dumb editions like “Black Cherry Edition” or whatever it was called. Had a 2016 SS and it was seriously good.

Its nOt An AsAuLt RiFlE!