
My GX470 has the all window mode. The only thing that sucks it opens the sunroof as well but the sunroof is a lot slower than the windows. So when the windows are done the sunroof is only open like 1/3 of the way.

Somewhere warm so I can wash my SUV. Lord it’s filthy.

There are some sketch towns in Conn. I don’t remember all of them. It’s been 25+ years since I lived up there (Western Mass). My dad had a business in Vernon/Rockville and it would get broken into a lot.

My ex in highschool had an Aspire. It was by far the worst vehicle I have ever driven. And I have driven some awful vehicles.

2016 Honda Element? That’s a rare car.

And car insurance prices will still increase. Snake oil.

I am not a big fan of Cleetus. He does have a very punchable face. But he did a lot of help in NC with his helicopter with the hurricane victims. 

Boomers man...

IMO the worst looking generation of this car. Plus that V10 looks comical hanging way in front of that front axle.

The rear view mirrors LOL. Yeah you will never use those bud.

This is why I bit the bullet and bought a used car for my wife before the shit hit the fan.

No. Bring back the Comanche.

Or Liberty Walk

NP. It’s hard to find one of these in good condition these days.

Someone lied to u-haul about what vehicle they were transporting. That trailer is struggling.

I am a sucker for nostalgia but these antennas sucked. 

Well when you get rid of one of the best sounding V8s and go with a lawnmower engine....duh

That’s a Ram.

Kinda off topic. But we need a Cummins straight 6, with an allison trans and the Superduty body.

I have seen this movie before.