
Hey you can’t park there!

Wow 4 seconds to beat a Dodge Viper ACR.

I thought the same as well.

One of the ugliest things to happen to an F1 car so lets put it on a road car!


^^This. Nissan and whatever car they can buy with their income tax check every year.

Well I guess I can’t enjoy anything then.

My buddy, he is a hippie. He loves him some VWs.

I really only see the LLVs in the city. Everywhere else it’s a Wrangler or some POS penalty box.

Buy it and drive it till it blows while you are slowly building a nice LSX.

This going to outrun a Lion huh?

That fucking header picture just needs to be banned. It’s so fucking cringe.

I am pretty sure these sparked the small pickups going to mid size. So I hate it.

I mean if it was Walmart I would probably help.

If this didn’t hurt the gas station owner at all then I am starting a go fund me for this guy.

Yager? That tracks.

Shit boxes, a rear engine car, and boomer vehicles. Not suprising.

Question for the locals: how’s the traffic?

I wonder how many alter boys you can fit in the frunk?

ND. You can get a really nice Crown Vic LX for that price. This thing is tacky AF