Save the manual shifters!
Save the manual shifters!
Too many Kurt Busch lattes.
I kinda wished a learned this trade. My buddy is a mechanic and all he does is rebuild domestic automatic transmissions. Once that 8L90 GM trans hit the market he has been making money hand over fist.
Can you make the name longer?
The distance from the firewall to the motor is comical.
I thought I got some knock-off parts when I saw that GM logo on my amazon delivery.
Oh my sweet innocent child. Where have you been the past 4 years?
Oh wow that is super cool and easy!!!
Narrator: the K4 was not, in fact, cooler looking than a corolla or a civic
Oh Mirai. You are making those Hilux’s proud!
I was thinking chainlink steering wheel but you swung for the fences.
If I was a GT owner I would definitely delete the airbag and buy an aftermarket steering wheel. There is no way in hell I would let a Ford dealer touch it.
And then you gotta drop $100k on a tow rig!
Take the 1 off the front and it’s still too high. ND
The Wright brothers are rolling in their graves right now.
Ugh, you lost me at automatic.
Well the outgoing Terrain was 3400-3700lbs. The torque number is decent and the 8 spd will help out a lot.
Well the good news is I bet he knows all his state capitals and can play a hell of a tune on the recorder.
What’s even m0re wild is that it weighs only 300lbs more than a Challenger Hellcat.
Or you know...selling them hard drugs haha