
I actually really liked this episode. I don't know if I'm alone in this, but I realized I like the show better when it doesn't focus on Kit. He's kind've a boring character. This had possessed nuns and Nazi Doctors and Zachary Quinto forgetting that Heroes was canceled. It was awesome.

There was ass, just not man ass.

There was ass, just not man ass.

So, I'm guessing they're going to have what happened to Michonne in the comics happen to Maggie on the show. Makes sense, Maggie's a lot more likeable character.

So, I'm guessing they're going to have what happened to Michonne in the comics happen to Maggie on the show. Makes sense, Maggie's a lot more likeable character.

Is there any show that telegraphs it more when it's going to kill off a character? As soon as Owen proposed, I knew he was dead.

Is there any show that telegraphs it more when it's going to kill off a character? As soon as Owen proposed, I knew he was dead.

Am I missing something with all the Girl Talk references lately? Does someone here get paid everytime they get mentioned or something?

Am I missing something with all the Girl Talk references lately? Does someone here get paid everytime they get mentioned or something?

I am so glad someone else felt that way, but five years of Catholic elementary school drilled it into me.

I am so glad someone else felt that way, but five years of Catholic elementary school drilled it into me.

If there was a rating lower than F minus, "Frank's Brother" deserves it. It is the single worst episode of the entire series.

If there was a rating lower than F minus, "Frank's Brother" deserves it. It is the single worst episode of the entire series.

The fact that you can find other misogynists to agree with you doesn't make your opinion any less troubling. I'm sure you could find people who feel that the president is a Socialist Muslim from Kenya too. Doesn't mean they're not fucked in the head.

The fact that you can find other misogynists to agree with you doesn't make your opinion any less troubling. I'm sure you could find people who feel that the president is a Socialist Muslim from Kenya too. Doesn't mean they're not fucked in the head.

Had two concussions. Didn't have any vomiting, the tinnitis would be more from the explosion than the concussion. There is a huge amount of confusion, but it's not Alzheimer's. You forget where you're going and you forget how you're going to finish a sentence sometimes, but you don't suddenly remember something from

Had two concussions. Didn't have any vomiting, the tinnitis would be more from the explosion than the concussion. There is a huge amount of confusion, but it's not Alzheimer's. You forget where you're going and you forget how you're going to finish a sentence sometimes, but you don't suddenly remember something from

You don't think having her be manipulating Charlie wouldn't have been bad writing? It would have been ridiculous and predictable.

You don't think having her be manipulating Charlie wouldn't have been bad writing? It would have been ridiculous and predictable.

Then why are you here?