
Haywire was not a good movie, but it did give me the biggest crush on Gina Carano.

CM Punk has come out and publicly challenged Chris Brown, saying Brown can name the venue and Punk would give all the money he'd earn to a battered women's shelter. Brown obviously hasn't taken him up on it.

As someone who had a crack whore get in my face and start challenging me to a fist fight, I can assure you that they are NOT something invented by Ronald Reagan.

For me, I haven't cared since they killed off the Devil Nun and Nazi Doctor.

I have been defending this season, for the most part, but wow, did I have trouble staying awake during that episode. I don't watching American Horror Story for deepness. I watch it to see what crazy shit they'll throw against the wall. I watch for Murder Santas and Devil Nuns and Rubbermen. I know it sounds like I'm

You know, this episode seemed way to linear. I think I like the show more when they're just throwing shit at the walls and seeing what sticks rather than trying to tell a coherent story.

Actually, two tv shows that I can think of did do this, with minimal outcry from the fans. Buffy had her body switched Faith and Xena had her body switched with Callisto. The Xena switch even went over several episodes.

The preferred term is "gaggle."

Dylan McDermott could get an umbrella and then Dr. Thredson can get stuck in the body with shit all over his hands.

Ha! I get it! "Back gate." That's a gay joke, isn't it?

Yeah, I never watched the first season, looking for something scary. I watched it because it seemed to be what would happen if the makers of the Shining took a whole shitload of meth.

To be fair, this season has been pretty genderless when it comes to who can have creepy sexual violence directed at them.

Brazilian aliens!

I liked Season One a whole lot more than this season, if only because this season has killed off its three most interesting characters and still has two episodes to go. I'm not invested with any of the survivors of the show at this point. The only surviving character I give a shit about anymore is Murder Santa and I'm

And he would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!

If you think it's the most overrated piece of art you've ever encountered, you've obviously never watched Mad Men.

This isn't Weeds. Hank having a mineral collection is a just something the character did to pass the time, not a defining moment on the show that needed a follow-up.

There's no scientific reason for the freshly dead to not be able to run, though. Rigor mortis disappears after a while anyway and bodies don't rot as quickly as people think, especially if they're moving, which would keep the muscles from atrophying. Not to mention, they don't have to catch their breath nor do they

Walt is on top of the world, having killed and/or subjugated all of New Mexico, holding Jesse and Skylar's bloodied heads in his hands, when suddenly a red light shines on him in the darkness. Camera pans to reveal that it's from a red eye on a metallic half-face.

Honestly, it really depends on what both you and the girl are into. I had an ex who had somewhat different tastes than I did and there was once, I distinctly remember her playing some 50 Cent song, and I just couldn't do it with that sort of idiocy playing. I mean, the man rhymed "sexual" with… "sexual."