Or if that doesn’t happen, let his massive, bloated ego convince him to run as an independent
Or if that doesn’t happen, let his massive, bloated ego convince him to run as an independent
And of course if he feels he is treating his workers well it must be true, for both his salon and all other salons. The findings if the investigation and the interviews with workers were totally fabricated/exaggerated/exceptions
Good access to and education on all types of birth control (not just the pill and condoms) and destigmatizing abortion to the point where it is just another medical procedure, rather than some shameful, harrowing act, would reduce situations like this (which are super rare) and those where kids are abused, neglected…
This is why stigmatizing abortion and reducing access needs to stop.
Nah, I just picked two words off book on my desk
Which makes me sad because people like this live for attention, good and bad
And there are more of us than people think. We just tend to dodge census takers since nothing good ever came out of letting the government count us
The manic, pixie dream girl thing needs to die in a fire. I have had too, too many men try to force me into that role. If you want to be adventuresome , then you have to do it on your own. Don’t make me drag you, kicking and screaming or whining and sulking, out of your comfort zone. It will end badly for both of us
I would give some credit card debt a pass if it was accrued, say, during a period out of work, but is now being managed and not growing. Student debt would also be context dependant for me because I know some people that just collect degrees (who needs 3 bachelors and 4 masters?) and have insane amounts of debt. A…
Don’t you know? When a white guy does it, it is mental illness, not a systematic dysfunction in white, male culture that sees women (or anyone who is not a white man) gaining powerbasba threat. When anyone else does it, it is never mental illness, but systematic dysfunction in $community
I am going to confess to walking up to older men who check me out and saying, “Excuse me , sir $random question I didn’t really need answered” just to make them feel old. I am not nice.
Seriously. Suicide in custody? Please feed me another! I love the taste of bulkshit
C’mon it was just the act of kids! Boys will be boys! Racist, violent boys
A-fucking-men. I had the same experience in college and being patronized. It is part of why I moved back to my Tribe (other part was an guy who wanted to continue dating me and would not hear my “no”)
That is why the only assistance a lot of Tribes want from outsiders is to allow us to manage the funds they are giving to BIA, BIE, IHS, and other agencies/organizations that act on Tribal lands. We know what our community needs and we can develop programs that will work in our culture and traditions. And, even though…
I feel the same about outreach IHS, universities and nonprofits do in my community about diabetes. Um yeah, we know we are more likely to suffer it (and damned near everything else) because, you know, our friends and families are suffering it. We are poor and Native, but not stupid.
Every nonprofit, university and their dog is itching to do studies/interventions on resilience in Tribal communities. And yeah, we are resilient since (despite best efforts) neither the US government nor the non-Native community has been able to kill all of us off (but y’all came fucking close). Just another in the…
So would it be dystopian fiction if I wrote about the aftermath of Trump Huckleberry or Huckleberry Trump 2016?