
I just learned the German word for that feeling: Backpfeifengesicht. It was on this list of German words we all need

Wow, people having sex, sometimes loud and outdoors in Hollywood. THAT has never, ever happened before!

You must have been biting your tongue. I might have had to bite mine off.

I wonder if they already got their deposits back (most vendors would refund for something like this) and they are attempting to profit and go on vacation?

9 people had their futures stolen. Their families were ruined. This woman was inconvenienced somewhat.

4) Move far far away and pretend to have no family

Yep. Nobody takes extra magazines for a photo shoot. Hell, why even have the gun loaded for pictures?

BIE teacher? We had one like that. Charming lady....

I don’t even do that and my hair is almost knee length. You keep hair out of the drain with one of those screen things, I thought?

You also need to compare populations that are as similar as possible on every characteristic besides the outcome of interest. I am no expert on French history 1600-1700 (17th-18th century) but I am going to hazard a guess that undernutrition and malnutrition rates were much higher. Both those conditions affect

And the licking of the chops. So self satisfied

My grandma got pregnant at 56. She thought it was menopause. Nope, it was Uncle Delsen

I want to say the Native pay gap is something like $0.51 on the dollar, yeah, let’s make this a thing

If someone got between me and Idris Elba I would drop a chandelier on them....if I had a chandelier

“Holy fuck!” is also a great way to let people know it was not intentional

Glad to know it is not just my dumb NDN brain that could not compute. I took away the idea that they are volunteering to be ousted from power and thought, “Um, OK, sure. Been wanting to do that for a while”

“Take Us Down”? My fucking pleasure. There is nothing I would like to do more

It would be really nice to look that way at someone and have that look reciprocated. Maybe one day...

I think it always seems like there are too many of whatever size you are not looking for because you would not be looking if you found your size. I am in the mid sized range and am always annoyed that there are only small or large sizes and NOTHING in the middle

I love seeing pictures of them because they are the only political couple where you can see real affection. How they look at each other, body language, etc.. Makes me happy