
I drew a dick in white-out on a girl named Brittany’s dark blue, monogrammed backpack in 7th grade (using the B as the balls and drawing the shaft out to the left behind it, of course) and got suspended for three weeks. My dad made me mow the lawn every single day because he didn’t know how else to punish me. It was a

I cannot wait for him to be in a Dodger uniform in three years after Boston blows up again

God, just imagine how low the cognitive baseline must be for Ben Roethlisberger. I imagine the test involves one of these:

Doctor: “ok how do you spell your name?”

I understood nothing the commentators said.

I turn 29 in February and this scenario of sudden, out of the blue, catastrophic illness scares the hell out of me.

Last week Michigan-Michigan State, this week Florida State-Georgia Tech. The gods of the special teams demand a sacrifice or this will continue every week.

Lil Wayne Mixtapes, Ranked

For most of the 21st century, you could argue that Lil Wayne was the best rapper on the planet without sounding as

come on, TDKR is better produced, directed, or acted much better than either of those films. I'm not saying it deserves any awards or anything but it does have redeeming qualities. It was never going to top TDK anyway