
We have to place a distinction between “immigrants” and “illegal aliens”. Immigrants are here legally. He’s never said that immigrants criminal, he’s said illegal aliens are. We have an entire governmental agency called INS that was set up to enforce the laws regarding immigration. As I’ve always said if you don’t

He’s talking about partial birth abortions. Before 2003, abortions were allowed right up until the moment of delivery. I was in the medical community at that time so I’ll speak from my background. Before 2003 and after the Roe v Wade decision there were so many gray areas about abortion that had never been

Here’s the issue, Roe vs Wade only allowed for abortions. Abortions under any circumstance. Before Roe vs Wade there were already abortions allowed for dire circumstances. I know it’s time consuming to look through the history and proceed on facts rather than emotion, but while this is a vey emotional issue we need