Why is it silly to complain when Destiny 2 performs worse in loading than any other AAA game when in many situations Destiny 2 is doing FAR less than other AAA games?
Why is it silly to complain when Destiny 2 performs worse in loading than any other AAA game when in many situations Destiny 2 is doing FAR less than other AAA games?
Sorry but this comment is extremely ignorant of console gaming. I’m not a PC guy, so maybe things are different there, but buying an external drive to expand the internal space of a modern-day console is extremely common. I don’t think I know a single console-gaming friend who hasn’t done this. All I’m saying is that,…
All that is true, but doesn’t relate to modern-day consoles and SSDs, because SSDs dramatically speed up speed and performance regardless of external bus limitations. Obviously an internal will always be better, but that doesn’t mean an external SSD doesn’t also make a huge difference on current hardware with current…
Complaining that games aren’t running as well on old hardware, when there is modern hardware that will all but completely solve those issues seems a bit silly. It is 100% expected that PC gamers will update their hardware to accommodate modern AAA games... how is that different from console players on a smaller scale?…
I’m sorry, but if you’re playing Destiny 2 (or really any modern-day AAA game) without an SSD (whether PC, Xbox, or PS4), you’re doing it wrong. A while ago I made a post on the Destiny subreddit about this because more people need to know how relatively cheap, easy, and fast it is to play console games on an SSD. I…
You can dick around in your vault/inventory with the destiny phone app during the wait times. I know, it sucks, but it’s a necessary evil at this point.
Nintendo is notorious for releasing upgraded versions of their handhelds, and it’s not “trimming the fat” when you’re adding features to boot.
The New 3DS? It also had exclusive games that the original 3DS didn’t get.
Here and there, yes. The N64 had the expansion pak that boosted the available ram. More recently, the 3DS has a souped up version.
“New” 3DS and 2DS XL
I remember having paper containers for my original physical case of Baldur’s Gate I. It really wasn’t a great container, as some of the slits holding the CD’s eventually tore and the CD’s were able to fall right out. I could swear they also tore the CD’s up more than plastic containers did.
Ew, no.
Why would you throw away the case? The case should be durable and capable of being used to store the disks while not in use for years to come. Why in the hell would you buy a physical game... And throw away the case?
I really thought that, originally, cardboard boxes with the plastic CD or DVD cases inside were the waste. They could usually be recycled, but I imagine many threw them away as Americans are wont to do with anything recyclable. (I won’t get into how every recycling bin I see at restaurants is full of food trash)
Bungie made it clear that they were listening to criticism from season of undying in their updates, but also made it clear that it was too late in the season of dawn dev cycle to take many of those criticisms into account. That being said, season of dawn is MUCH better than undying. Yes, eververse still needs fixed,…
Destiny shares many of the same issues that MMO’s always do. No matter how much time and effort and money go into creating content, the playerbase will chew though it in hours, maybe a few days at most, because people want to be ‘the first’ at things. The rest will just wait for the first people to pave the way.
Thanks for doing so, rather than just bickering without paying attention to what’s actually going on like so many others in the comment section here.
I assume people have already thought of this, but as soon as I saw “marathon,” I immediately thought of Bungie’s 1994 shooter, Marathon.