
They changed the name now but Chemical Guys Stripper Sent (Signature Sent) air freshener would bring back a lot of memories.

Omg no! My first car was a 80's F. 

Awesome ride right there. I almost got one myself but ended up with a manual GTI since I drive by myself 90 percent of the time. Nobody had any manuals in my area, but the auto Sport trims I looked at were nicely built. 

Thank you. This post pretty much sums up my thoughts as well.

Omg it's going to be an Epic launcher exclusive isn't it... please be on Steam

Wow, I mean I should have seen this coming but never expected it to happen. I wonder how this will play out for future Destiny games. Specifically D3. I switched over to PC as my main platform for Destiny. The question is, will 3 be on since Activision is taking over Blizzard?

As someone who has Steam, Uplay, Origin, and owned The Division on PC, I’ll pass on the epic store. I only had it installed for Fortnite and uninstalled it after deciding the game wasn’t my cup of tea.

Perfect timing, I just got a Cannon Rebel T6 for Xmas and it’s my first DSLR. I got a few polarizers but haven't used them just yet as I'm still learning how to use my camera. I live next to the ocean and I think these will make a huge difference when making my shots. I'm in the market for a new car and want to take

I’m a 2004 WRX owner looking to upgrade to a 2019 GTI. My WRX is still solid but I put some routine engine work and had to spend a bit to fix a reoccurring head gasket leak last year. I had my heart set on a new WRX, but Subaru seems to have lost touch of what made the car special to drive. The icing on the cake was

Old school WRX owner here. I'm headed that way soon. 2019 GTI Rabbit or SE. Maybe an R if the timing is right. 

Oh Subaru. They kind of give us what we want (current WRX owner), but they are holding out on the turbo power. I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again since I'm still in the grays, I'm jumping ship to another brand that still loves to make enthusiast hatchbacks with decent power. 

While it is great that they are finally bringing this to our side of the pond, it’s long overdue and doesn’t bring enough to the table. This WRX owner is moving on to another brand after 14 years. I’ve fawned over the S varients for what seems like a decade, I dreamt of upgrading to a new STI. Subaru needs to step

The worst thing you can do it try to power through it. I learned that the hard way after getting my VR wings on my Rift. If you do that, all you are going to do it associate the Switch Katamari game with nausea.

Hey cool a new Super Meat Boy game! Guess I'll be playing it sometime after 2020 on PC. 

I had connectivity issues with WiFi when Splatoon 2 and MK8 came out. I bought a U-Green USB 3 to Ethernet adapter for about 15 bucks and haven’t had any problems since. The console sits inches from the router yet my Switch couldn’t handle multiplayer games that well wirelessly.

Didn’t know that this was a debate either. I’ve been skipping gears when appropiate in my WRX since 2005. Never had any issues.


Welcome back! The missus and I do Royal Caribbean every year or so. The perfect way to vacation. Plenty of activities to do and you don't have to worry about driving back to a hotel to sleep. Just pass out anywhere after eating, drinking, and dancing the night away. 

I sat in one of these at Laguna Seca about a month ago and while I like the feel of the shifts and seats, the interior was compromised a lot to get it below 30k. Hard plastics everywhere and the infotainment dash was outdated looking. However the contrast blue stitching and highlights look sporty. The exterior looks

I’m hopeful that it will someday because Oculus or Steam VR support would be great. My Rift really brought Rez into a whole new level and I have no plans to buy a PSVR for my PS4 Pro. I may give this a shot if there is a sale this coming holiday.