That’s a bummer. I hate curbs. Usually hidden, in the way, or too tall.
That’s a bummer. I hate curbs. Usually hidden, in the way, or too tall.
Even as a Subaru WRX fan and owner since 2005, there’s no way I would buy an STI for 50k. I’d rather buy a loaded Alpha Romeo Giulia Ti for the same price, or any premium car in that range.
If he wanted to crash into people he should have just played Forza.
I’m not sure why I’m filled with feels. Is it the sincere story of a person finding thier dreams through the vessel of F and F, or is it the sight of Paul Walker’s beautiful face?
Haha, Laguna Seca popped right into my vision. I can hear the cars on raceday, It might as well be in my backyard.
I miss my 87 MR2. It was my first car and had an awesome black with gold trim that was totally rad in the 90s. Thankfully it was the NA version. Who knows what kind of trouble I would have gotten into with a turbo back then.
Wups, stupid me of course it’s in eastern time! Oh well still plenty of race left...
My favorite RPG growing up in my angst teen years! As much as I liked FF7, Xenogears was my life when it came out. I still have the game and Strategy guide.
Hilarious. Last night my cat started her midnight patrols when I was sampling the mowing. I had my open back headset on so I think she figured it came from outside.
I tea what you mean. It takes tea to tango. Tea bad Devrim and I couldn’t work things out.
I never could get close to Devrim. He once offered me tea and never produced. Played with my tea loving emotions.
Jeepers, why would I want a pound of this delicious candy bar?
Jeepers, why would I want a pound of this delicious candy bar?
I have owned my 2004 WRX since 2005. But sorry it’s not for sale. It’s mine. Forever.
I’ve never forgotten to take a shower but I’ve consciously determined that I would postpone it.
Do any of them have thumb grease that is finally seeping out of the sticks?
I have been building my own PC’s since the AMD Athlon 64 days and continue to enjoy building them today.
I learned way back in 98 to respect the power that is the Viper from Gran Turismo. I’m 100 percent sure this translates to real life.
My buddy is the same way, he likes it dark.
My buddy is the same way, he likes it dark.
Awesome and perfect timing! Just picked up a new HDR TV and had the noodle in my list to buy.
Awesome and perfect timing! Just picked up a new HDR TV and had the noodle in my list to buy.