
I tried the default KB\M settings during the beta but for the release I ended up mapping Melee to left bottom, Nades to left top, and super to Middle Mouse button. I also moved whatever was mapped to V to C..I forget off the top of my head. My DPI is at 800 with stock in-game mouse sensitivity.

Everyone knows that fashionable hats wait for no one.

Is there a line to punch this guy in the face?

Titans rule, Warlocks drool!

When in the loading hubs, or saying hi when running to the objective once the round starts, I’m cool with that. But ya it gets annoying when abused for personal lols.  

Hey they drew the save icon!

Not sure why but this reminds me of the TMNT porno comic book that is floating out there from the 90s.

Good thing that arrow is there or else I wouldn’t know where she was looking.

Been playing the Xbox 1 version since launch and got my PC CE yesterday from GameStop. I was going to install and play it last night but decided to wait for an official reply from Bungie.

Will there be loot boxes? I really need to feed my obsession with opening glamorous boxes of chance.

My 2004 WRX is still going strong with normal wear work done. My daily driver since 2005. I have kept it stock engine wise and thankfully didn’t mess with it in my younger years.

No way this should cost more than the Elite. You could buy an Elite controller and a Scuff Elite thumb stick/grip kit for 160 bucks.


Unrelated but you have the best username, and the picture makes it even better. I have deemed it best in the world. A trophy and or statue should be placed in your honor.

I owned my 2004 WRX since 2005 and it’s still my daily driver. Built like a tank, although it helps that I kept it stock this whole time.

Monterey? I could have stopped by and paid in cash. Oh well.

Fashion foul, Ninjas. Far right player with visible undershirt. No undershirt is needed for an athletic tee and it’s crooked. My OCD is kicking in.

I don’t get mad, I get even...and when I fail at getting even, I get super mad. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Not really digging the direction Forza 7 went as well. I own and played every single Forza game including Horizon and this is the first time I haven’t purchased the ultimate edition before or on day one.

Whatcha gonna do brother, when the Disrespect train runs wild on you!