
That old man looks familiar...

The Max Payne face is great!

As long as it has Lucky Hit and fork lift racing I’ll accept the game looking like this.

I was lucky enough to be visiting friends North of KC and experienced my first full eclypse. There is really nothing quite like it. I’ve only seen partial when in CA.

Well since day one of owning my Switch, I’ve had a tempered glass cover on it. You know due to the screen scratching scare. It’s body has held up pretty well and it’s almost always docked.

Looks pretty good. I might pick this up sometime this week and get my jumping into cars via warping on.

This is a surprise. I’ll be checking it out this weekend on PC.

Yea it’s the best of both worlds. Plus with the new Steam VR launcher within the Oculus home, it all blends in nicely.

Totally unexpected! I just got a Rift too. Although I’m probably going to grab it on Steam so that I can also play it in 2k/4k as well.

Kind of reminds me of when we would group up in Rust and parade the map with our naked dominance.

I really want to check out the PSVR headset. I wear glasses and had to buy prescription VR lenses to make my Rift experience comfortable.

Awesome! Plus you now look like super soldier from the future. I welcome our VR headset overlords.

I agree. I picked it up during the Steam Summer Sale and it’s awesome. I have a few games that are similar but this one I keep going back to.

I agree. I picked it up during the Steam Summer Sale and it’s awesome. I have a few games that are similar but this

Ah ThinkGeek, my go to store for office warfare and desk gadget’s. Where has the time gone?

Ah ThinkGeek, my go to store for office warfare and desk gadget’s. Where has the time gone?

Mother of God! I must do my duty to rid these streets of this vile mayo spread! I’m going to bail from work. I feel ill just thinking about it.

I know these feels man. I remember when I had none. Then 5, 10, 15. How many will I end up with when I’m old and gray? But good call on the new Inklings, the ones for the first game are flat and boring compared to Splatoon 2.

Barf! Kill it with ketchup!

Awesome! Yea I used the rear port too, mostly to keep the front clear for charging controllers. Having owned this now, I wish I would have bought one sooner for the Wii U.

Now that they have extended the schedule I’m good. The default window was too small.

Rest in pig Roadhog.