
I’m totally jealous. Can’t wait!

I tell you what, if I’m waiting in line hungry and this guy pulls this stupid “genius” idea in front of me, I’d be inclined to eat his face. Most likely an audible WTF would come out my mouth though.

Mother of God.... Why didn’t I think of this? Can’t wait to get off work.

“We are offering Super Nintendo Entertainment System: Super NES Classic Edition in special recognition of the fans who show tremendous interest our classic content.”

This is a joke right? I was a huge COD fan back in the day but no way I’m paying 40 bucks for this when it doesn’t include everything. And even if it did, under 30 bucks would be reasonable.

It’s never too early to get the kids trained in CA driving.

It’s never too early to get the kids trained in CA driving.

I member. Still have this game. Been a long time since I booted it up.

Thanks for sharing this. It would have been awesome to meet Billy Mitchell back in the arcade days. Does he still run the hot sauce business? Going to check Google.

OMG, I just bought a ten pack from a different brand for 17 bucks Sunday night! But...I could always use ten more. Thanks!

OMG, I just bought a ten pack from a different brand for 17 bucks Sunday night! But...I could always use ten more.

Thanks for the reminder! I bought this a few years ago in a Steam sale and have yet to install it. I figured I’d wait till this was finished. Guess my wait is coming to an end.

So that’s where they are hiding...

Yes I own a 4k tv. No HDR though. :(

A perfect Father’s Day gift! They won’t be able to play it now but oh boy they can dream about the perfect​ daddy for a month.

Reminds me of the Comic Con bags that I lugged around the convention center. So stylish lol

Yes, Destiny@4k/60 and 1440p/100+(guessing) on my 1080ti! My PC is ready....

Don’t really see this as a problem. Any Xbox One will play XB1 games. There’s already an S in the Xbox S sku so Scorpio would have been too similar if you also shortened it to xbox S. This way there’s a common alpha naming convention. The S is the base model and the X is the gamer enthusiast, which this model is made

In 4 three! One to open, one to keep sealed, and one to smash to bits on YouTube.

Awesome new! Now if I can only finish the first one. It’s been in my backlog for almost a decade.

Yea me too, and good point. It was much faster to start from a cold boot. And in theory the most frequently accessed files and OS responsiveness was better than my original Xbox One.

Omg yes! I still have my PGR games. Also the original Forza. I still have a handful of Xbox games.