Alf, HA!
Alf, HA!
Free game? To my backlog it goes!
Jeepers! I still need to do the last two raids but I’m doing it the old fashioned way. I’m no Destiny God.
On another note, I have a room full of transformers. Masterpieces, Alternators, CHUG, movie, comic con exclusives, G1 reissues, and other random cartoon lines. I’ll have to share some pics sometime. I don’t have a lot of room anymore so a ton are just sealed in boxes.
Soundwave superior, your wallet inferior.
This doesn’t really bother me since I know who is in the receiving end of the gift when I buy them. However I am curious to know how multiplayer 4 pack bundles will be handled.
Ah boooooo! The classic “My controller isn’t broken” excuse. Wait a minute...
Keytaku, HA! I get it.
Good times indeed! I member.
I do too! I can finally stop going to the gym and just CGI my abs in. Bonus, I no longer need to shave my chest hair!
It’s from Ludacris’s new Vitamin D video. Argh commented a YT video about above.
They must still be rendering lol.
If you can’t stand the heat, get your ass out the kitchen... But take the frying pan with you or something.
That’s a helluva deal on that Corsair MM300. I bought mine at full price about a year ago and it’s holding up great.
That’s a helluva deal on that Corsair MM300. I bought mine at full price about a year ago and it’s holding up great.
I’ll take a set of these in bobble heads. Thanks k bye!
If you hit Alt+Enter it will kick it into windowed mode or vice versa. Do you happen to have a Corsair keyboard and use the Cue software? I know before release during the 10 hour trial I had to disable Cue to resolve my black screen when launching the game. They patched it but maybe this update brought it back.
Yep this is the way I played it in my day. Freestyle is key to getting a cool rating and keeping it there.
My best friend and I were teens when this came out. We went half’s in it and finished all the levels the very same day.
Already got my PC LE preordered. Might as well get the digital deluxe on Xbox one.