Nellith Starkiller

Only if you think immigrants never assimilate into their new country and they continue being immigrants for generations. 

Dear Mr. Pedantic,

Stuffing. Dressing goes on a salad.
End of discussion 

The fact that Aussies call it a sandwich is an argument in the ‘against’ column.

Cisgender has its origin in the Latin-derived prefix cis-, meaning “on this side of”, which means the opposite of trans-, meaning “across from” or “on the other side of”. This usage can be seen in the cis–trans distinction in chemistry, the cis–trans or complementation test in genetics”

Language changes even if you have your head firmly planted in the sand.  Evolve or die.

I have a suggestion: Let it go. It’s a word, you’re overreacting and politicizing something far more than a little word ever could