Nellie Wilson

Some people are really confused because they don’t understand that you can say both “I will vote Democratic in November because I want to defeat Trump” and “I reserve the right to vote for whoever I want in the primaries” without it being a contradiction.

 You're not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say. 

This is why Supreme Court appointments matter.  The President chooses who gets on the Supreme Court.  That is why voting for the President matters.  Repeat that shit to your dumb-ass cousin who doesn’t vote.

“only Clinton is refusing to move the fuck on”

Bernie and his surrogates constantly bitch about the DNC “rigging” the 2016 primary against him. So please miss me with this.

I’m not sure that criticizing Sanders is belittling his supporters, let alone the supporters of politicians Clinton didn’t even mention.  I do find it curious that you don’t seem to think it’s a problem to criticize the millions more impassioned voters who supported Hillary Clinton in 2016. 

I have a very small extended family, only seven cousins including me on both sides of the family combined. But, my mom’s college roommate married dad’s college roommate and mom married dad! So every year, the original four women and their families get together at a really rural cabin. Have up to 30 people some years

Lost it’s way? That’s implying that there was a time when their approach to getting people to treat animals better wasn’t completely batshit and counter productive to the extreme. PETA is and always has been so far to the left that even those near it say “Man, ya’ll’s insane.”

People online are calling for the heads of Trump and the GOP. I’ve never seen Americans do angry. Hopefully something terrible happens to them.

“Everybody was in the loop.” Lev Parnas and Sondland. Just a couple of the dictators men. Russias are pissing and laughing on Americas grave and it hasn’t been completely dug yet but it definitely on the way. Kiss our democracy goodbye. It taking dying breaths. 

I remember that and Susan Smith who killed her two babies but claimed a Black man carjacked her and drove away with her children (1994).

Plus, most people who wear turbans are Sikh and, at least the ones that live in the States,  tend to be some of the nicest, most polite people I have met. 

I don’t know if it’s overreaction or racism, but yeah, you should examine your feelings about that store. You are just as likely to brush elbows with [a family member who came into contact with your local coronavirus case] at Dunkin Donuts or Kroger or Walgreens or whatever. Don’t feel bad about being hyper risk

Not only is that extremely offensive, but it doesn’t even make sense. Does he think that companies are just going to load their factories on ships and sail them away before the virus reaches their doors? It takes years to do that shit. Nobody with any sense is going to upend their supply chain because of this. By the

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He underestimates corporations not wanting to pay living wages. In reality, it’ll go down something like this.

$61k-$87K gross? If gross then she’s taking home about 1/3 less a year, right. So she’s taking home $40k-$59k a year and its pretty goddamn likely she’s paying upwards of $3000/month rent if in NY. So $36,000 on rent & util, she’s got $4000-$24000 for groceries, transportation, family expenses, and all those ancillary

Greed is a mental illness. This is the answer an ill person would give.

The problem is that religious conservatives are adults who never grew out of childish binaries. It’s why they need the threat of eternal damnation and promise of eternal life to be motivated to be good people.

Yes, young children do think in binaries. So what? They also think peas and carrots can’t touch and it’s totally NBD to eat a roach off the floor. You’re going to get better results if you teach them otherwise starting early! And I promise they care more about the roach than about some hypothetical LGBT adults. It’s

Hi! Can you please consider writing about the people in the order they appear in the picture? I end up skipping these articles and going to other sites because it takes too long Google who everyone is. Thank you! 🙏