Nellie Wilson

Neulasta was easily the worst part of my cancer journey. “Pain in the long bones” that was only partially relieved by long hot baths in the middle of the night. Nothing prepared me for that.

Perhaps this, which I’ve also heard quoted in response to sins other than adultery: Matthew 5:28 - But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Former Eugenian here, and someone who protested the war in the 60's while in H.S. What happened to my radical little town?

The American paperback version was called “Ten Little Indians”. It was the first AG book I read, back when I was 13. And thus began a lifetime love of the British mystery genre.

Aisha Tyler said he smells like “cookies and freedom”. I believe her.

My Maine Coon mix is the same. He likes to sit on my shoulder. Cute as a kitten, not so cute at 20 pounds.

I grew up in Oregon in the 50’s and 60’s. I remember the “No Negros, No Jews” signs. (Hell, I even ate at Waddles as a kid.) I was never taught this about Oregon’s past, and I have to say that not much has changed. You could see it in the gun owners’ protests when Obama came to Roseburg after the shooting there. It’s

Just jumping here in to say that very thing - UCC is not a gun-free campus.

I had a meniscus repair on my right knee 14 years ago that did horrible things to my gait and the alignment of my leg. I regret that surgery. I ended up with an ugly bunion on my right foot and ended up having to have knee replacement surgery anyway. I still have the ugly ass bunion.

The Logitech G300 is good for either left or right hands - and it’s what I’m currently using at work. I do a lot of html stuff, so I’ve created some macros to take care of the more mundane tasks that normally would require me to switch back and forth between my keyboard and mouse.

I've actually had all of these things said to me, with an additional "Well, you must not be praying hard enough."

Boxer and Feinstein both voted against it - Nay (means no).

I'm a senior citizen, and am currently rocking a fuchsia streak in my old granny hair. Last month it was purple. So whatever, Starbux. And don't get me started on my latest tattoo!

And the poors - don't forget the poors!

10 year breast cancer survivor here. Thanks to the ACA I can finally NOT be turned down for insurance because I have a pre-existing condition. (And it's even affordable!) Suck it, cons!

Totally this. The good news is, and I'm speaking from experience, once you hit middle-age, no one really gives a damn any more. When I was younger, people were constantly telling me to smile. Once I hit one even notices me. Which in this case is a good thing.

I live in the Bay area and we lost her show during the morning drive time. I got the podcasts so I can still laugh while navigating the 880.

The article says the repairs are being made by the Army Corps of Engineers. Sounds like an outside group is actually performing the work.

Due to a lifetime of abuse, I've pretty much trained myself to never cry. I can't cry in front of people, I can't cry when I'm alone. It's a bad thing, and I think it's very unhealthy. Cry away. It's a blessing.