“Is this satire? You’re mansplaining mansplaining.”
“Is this satire? You’re mansplaining mansplaining.”
Dear Lifehacker,
C’mon guys, there’s NO WAY women could carry proton packs. That’s just biological fact. And is there even a romantic subplot, because we all know that women cannot rescue men from evil spirits. What am I saying, the way they’re dressed in those ugly coveralls and muck boots they’re obviously all lesbians.
I love the implicit assumption that the only fans of the original movie were male.
EVERY character gets the “what if it were a girl?” treatment? No, I don’t think that’s necessarily a good thing. Diversity is a good thing. Looking at every character and seeing if they should be female seems complete crazy to me. It’s rare that the gender matters at all in games (I mean storywise, not…