To be fair, Priyanka had affairs with both Shah Rukh Khan and Akshay Kumar when they were married in order to advance her career, so it’s not like the skeptics are pulling this out of nowhere. It’s neither racist nor sexist to use someone’s pattern of behavior to explain their decisions.
One of the things that drives me bonkers about American culture (and Canadian, as I know we’re not much better) is its complete and utter ability to realize there’s a whole wide world out there. It manifests itself in lots of nasty ways and this ridiculous take on this wedding written about here is certainly one of…
That’s fair, it’s hard to beat Amitabh, even SRK has to admit that.
The Barfi soundtrack is the best! It’s featured prominently on my “chill the fuck out” playlist. RE: Don, I prefer the OG version (sorry, SRK!):
Don is so good! If you haven’t seen it, also check out Don 2, and “Khaike Paan Banaraswala” from the original Don starring Big B.
I’m sayin! This movie was probably my first big intro to her and I still love this song. But the music from Barfi is all just great and she was wonderful in it.
the 35-year-old actress who’s best known for her work in Quantico, as well as her friendship with Meghan Markle and for winning Miss World in 2000,
>best known for her work in Quantico
Man, when I tell you I know my city. I saw the pic of this woman and immediately I was like I bet this is Atlanta. Then I was like, it’s either Buckhead or Vinnings or Midtown, then I thought, this fool is either from north Fulton or Cobb. And sure enough.
Or both. *raises hand*
If I had a body like that, I would walk around naked everywhere. Around the house, to the store, to work, everywhere. And people would either be jealous or worship me.
not the same, but I saw a big ol lifted truck with a MAGA flag and a Blue Lies Matter Flag on the freeway. I rolled down my window, honked, and flipped off that Bass Pro Shop, weak jawed, milk mustached motherfucker.
Ambien helped me find my husband! If I stay awake I start doing repetitive things. I once spent a shit ton of time classifying all my Gmail contacts in Google+ circles. Every single one of them. Then my calendar started showing me birthdays for these people, and my cute coworker showed up. I invited him for coffee and…
But you know what’s really golden? Your page view. So far I have about 6.9 million & yours just pushed Harriot closer to my #1 status. Damn you..but thanks.
Ugh, you beat me! But that was my first thought.
I assume it will smell like clone stamping and spot healing brushes.