
Open primaries are the future as independent and unaffiliated voter rolls grow. My state allows open primaries and its key for voter turnout and giving people a say in who the next president shall be. Presidential primaries should not be casting aside voters. It's better for the democratic process overall and my

I don’t think that’s true. What they mean us open primaries erode the control of establishment candidates. If I lived in CT, I could easily register as a democrat, vote, then unregistered after if I was really hoping on “weakening” the candidate pool. I misspoke above, I am unaffiliated. because I choose to be. In my

I’m unaffiliated and regardless, there is no “independent” primary anyway. My state allows every voter to vote in the primary of their choice. Because, voting matters and everyone should be able to. Independent candidates are not even allowed in debates. Barring voters from voting in primaries is undemocratic.

So because I'm an independent I should t be allowed to vote in primaries? Did you really just say that?!?!

I’m an independent and I can vote in my states primary for whichever party I choose. I had NO IDEA that you couldn’t do this in other states. Makes no sense to me. Why shouldnt I be able to help pick a major party candidate? Our two party system doesn’t allow for 3rd party candidates to have a seat at the table and

It isn’t just 700k. The famalies are threatening to appeal. This move protects the cinema from the families continuing to sue them and engage in frivolous lawsuits. It also protects them in the future if these types of tragedy becomes common place. I mean I get it, I hate corporations too. But they do have a duty to

That's ridiculous. If I owned a business and through no fault if my own, some people get shot by a lunatic, then a bunch of greedy victims try to sue me, I should just go out of business because I make more money? Maybe don't create frivolous lawsuits.

So maybe they shouldn't have sued in the first place.

So they sued a movie theatre to get free money and now it backfired on them? I’m not really that sympathetic. How on earth would this theatre be liable for the deaths? My guess is this move protects the families from appealing. Seems like to me it's the families who are in the wrong, using the deaths to make a quick

My mother is a daughter of the American Revolution. It’s a bunch of waspy white people. I never wanted to spend the money to get the certificate. But I guess it is cool to know who your ancestors were and how long they’ve been here. I think the daughter’s used to be kind of an elitist thing, now it’s just stuffy old

She lost me when she dumped a bunch of rocks on a public beach to impede access in front of her house. Shits not cool.

I think it’s dumb to take phones away. I would not want to check my phone like a jacket and have to retrieve it, I’d probably just leave mine in my car at that point. Or not bring it if no car. If an artist wants to enforce that, I think it’s their perogative. It’s a little excessive to be sure. I can’t imagine how

It can totally ruin things. Not only is it distracting but it legit disrupts the view of even being able to see the artist or the stage. I don’t pay good money to be stuck behind someone’s iPhone all night who apparently can’t be bothered to actually watch the concert.

So they’ve trained you! My boss emails me then starts sending texts which I ignore. I have a life!

I’ve seen excessive cell use at shows and if legit ruins thing. I feel really bad for the artists who have that shit in their face constantly.

My god, how did we ever resolve these problems before cell phones!

No one needs a phone every minute of the day.

Most men I know do not think getting a girl drunk so she will sleep with you is “rape.” I’m not talking sloppy, pass out, drunk. Just enough alcohol to get you drunk and making stupid choices. I remember every big party had “jungle juice” which was basically a lot of sugary juice and a shit ton of alcohol.

I think Brock might be a sociopath. But, I also think we have a problem on campus. Not “promiscuity” or anything that rape victims are responsible for. But I do think men go to college expecting sex. The campus hookup culture is something men are told is their reward. And they are encouraged and it is normalized to

If he were my son I'd be appalled that I raised a sociopath and I would not be worried that he doesn't eat his favorite steaks. My statement would reflect what he learned through the ordeal and the change he wants, not that we should feel bad for his eating habits.