
Yeah he was such a nice guy and didn't deserve her rejection. /s

I don’t even know what to think. I did once have a BF who tried to provoke me to hit him because he wanted me to move out of our shared apartment and didn’t want to pay back the $8,000 he owed me. He was emotionally abusing me for a long time, as well as financially and verbally. His plan was to provoke me into

No, and I think it was because I was embarrassed that I had ‘put myself’ in that situation. And I didn't know where it was so there wasn't much to do about it. It's just so creepy. I had another incident years later, I went out with a friend of a friend and we went out late on his side of town. Ended up back at his

The not moving your body thing happened to me. I accepted a drink from someone who’s apartment my friends had ended up in. They went off with guys and I noticed I was left behind with some strange guy. I realized I couldn’t move and he began to molest me but I couldn’t say anything or use my limbs. At some point he

Linda seriously considers herself a whistleblower. Like legit thinks two people hiding their affair is an example of corruption and abuse running rampant in the White House.

And Kenneth starr, since his whitewater investigation was going no where. At least we will always have SNL with John goodman playing Linda Tripp

It’s just gross. Monica got supoened in the Paula jones case and lied about her affair, as did Clinton. What they didn’t know was giant turd Linda Tripp had been wearing a wire and secretly recoding her conversations with Monica, who now faced purjury charges along with Clinton. Linda also told her to keep the dress,

My best fried has schizophrenia. She holds a full time job and lives on her own, which is amazing considering they told us she'd be in a group homes he rest of her life. Mental illness can be managed and you never know where someone will end up. I have another friend who's mom is full blown the gov is sneaking into my

I’ve been chronically ill for a few years and in active treatment for 3 now. This girl had dumped on me for years, and I was always there for her. She just had bariatric surgery and I guess is riding the waves of positive vibrations. I think I represent the ‘negative past.’ I’ve never had someone be so nasty, to tell

Ugh so true. My friend of 30 years just sent me mean nasty emails about how my depression is killing her and she needs to move to a more positive place. I got a really emotionally devoid email with steps on removing myself from our shared phone plan and how she appreciates my respect for the break in our friendship.

I think this is wrong. It’s about bodily integrity. It’s about the government not having the power over your body. The government does not have the right to terminate your life, nor does it have the right to force you to give birth or terminate a pregnancy. Or to elevate the fetus above your own right to bodily

Well that’s assuming the bacteria can’t leave the gut and colonize your vaginal track. It must be able to!

I see you’ve been trolling others here as well, so your hitler comment is not surprising. Your comments have shown you to be clearly ignorant of what the mission of modern accredited zoos is, and how integral they are to saving species on the brink of extinction. I would love to join you in your fantasy world where

Spoken like someone who has no experience and sits behind a computer all day. I can’t speak for circuses or roadside zoos, but i’ve never been to a zoo that tortures animals. Zookeepers work in zoos because they want to help and save animals, many of them volunteer in local and international efforts to help these

I’m sure this keeper knew the risks, she would not have been in with the cat. I don’t understand why people keep implying that she was in on purpose or that the cat was performing. A tiger talk is just that, a talk about tigers in front of the exhibit. Obviously a door was breached by the cat, by keeper error or

Why would they send the tiger to a sanctuary? This zoo is an AZA accredited zoo, it would not have performing tigers and the keeper would not have been in with the tiger on purpose. The ‘tiger talk’ program is likely just when the keeper goes out in front of the exhibit and talks about tigers, maybe giving the animal

Because tigers are ambush predators. The sight of a face would startle them long enough for a person to possibly get away. The want to hunt and stalk you and sneak up, if they can't, they might be more wary of attacking.

Well the good news is that the people in charge don’t make ignorant comments like you do. And the animal care professionals will continue to dedicate their lives to the protection of endangered species and educational outreach, and you can stay as an arm chair warrior spouting nonsense about “torture” when it's clear

I'm happy that many zoos have phased out elephants, though I don't know if be comfortable removing them totally from captivity. Elephants and rhinos are being mowed down by poachers in protected wildlife preserves. Many endangered species exist in areas that have great political unrest. The idea that we can save them

No, the animal was tranq’d after the attack most likely, what happened must be that a containment door was accidentally opened while the keeper was inside. For the zoos sake, let's hope it was keeper error and not equipment malfunction ( i.e. Door breaking and opening while keeper was inside and unable to exit holding