Reading about Bermuda and sea glass, it looks like a lot of it is antique.. From shipwrecks. So in many ways, it is a limited resource.
Reading about Bermuda and sea glass, it looks like a lot of it is antique.. From shipwrecks. So in many ways, it is a limited resource.
Middle aged woman must eat this shit up. It's like silpada on steroids.
It looks like her whole marketing strategy is that it’s lovingly handcrafted from Bermuda beach glass. Personally no one would know if she just made her own.
I'm sure if she got divorced then she'd have to ask permission of a male relative, like her father or brother.
My bf used to get mad if I was walking on a curb that was slightly elevated, cause then I was “even taller.” I also wasn’t allowed to wear heals. I was happy to give that all up. Sometimes when we date outside our idea of what we’d like, it works, other times it doesn’t.
No kidding. Every criteria we create shrinks the pool. I had a “only date guys with college degrees rule.” Well I bent that rule for one dude and it didn’t work out because he thought college was a waste of $ and couldn’t carry an intellectual conversation. So yea, my wanting to date degree holders shrinks my dating…
I can’t speak for the other poster, but I don’t like feeling like a moose in contrast to my date. I also don’t expect him to be huge and muscled. I actually like guys my height give or take, or taller, and they can be skinnier than me. In fact, love tall thin guys with nice legs and arms. I had a be once who's jean…
Sorry, I don’t buy the “shrink your dating pool” idea. I’ve dated short dudes, the relationship ended because they were assholes in the end, but I lost interest in them anyway. I don’t think it’s a “body image” issue when you can’t really have sex with them because they can’t do the things with you that you want.…
Yup dated short and petite dude. I felt like a fat moose around him. Short and stocky might be better.
I’m 5”9 and dated a guy who couldn’t have been over 5”4. I don’t care what people say, it wasn’t a good experience. I was looking down at him all the time, my thigh was bigger than his 2 thighs together, and I just felt like a fat cow.
I agree! I’ve never understood why there is not more reasearch into probiotics. I don’t really think that this was that gross. It’s like how freaked out people were when that lady made breast milk ice cream. I would totally eat a yogurt that contained beneficial strains found in th vagina. If they didn’t grow well in…
I have a reoccurring nightmare that I get the captain from captain crunch tattooed on me. The last time this happened I had it as a giant calf tattoo. I'm not sure what this dream says about me
people could negate the need for libido drugs if they moved away from the processed foods of western diets. Obesity, diabetes, immflamation, depression...
I use badger sport. I like like a white ghost, but I find it is way more effective than all the chemical sunscreens I've used.
I use non-chemical sunscreen and I never burn. Mostly I use zinc oxide. I can't use paba (scaly rash) and I prefer not to use chemicals with questionable safety profiles. The trick is usually remembering to reapply. I'm wondering if these people did not follow the directions, it was a bad batch, or the unexpectedly…
I am a bit forgiving on student debt, however, I dated someone who g’s 10,000 in student debt he had no intention of paying. He pretended initially that he was overwhelmed, and he was struggling with employment, but when I moved in, I learned that he had debt due to irresponsibility. Our utilities got shut off…
I don’t buy cosmetics that are tested on animals. I also don’t want to put anything on my skin that is a chemical that would need to be tested. That’s the great thing about mineral makeup.
Do you add water to cereal or your coffee??
This is news for people? What do they think rice milk is? There is no “milk” in almonds. It’s not meant to be an almond drink, it’s a milk substitute. If you increased the percentage of almonds, it wouldn’t be a liquid, and it would probably have ridiculous calories.
I love how much of their interaction conveniently takes place out of range of the camera. That should be illegal to do that.