
Humanism is rooted in the privileged male experience. When you say I’m a humanist and not a feminist, it’s because feminism has a negative connotation. You attain gender equality by advocating for the rights of the underprivileged gender, not by pretending humanism is a substitute for feminism. It’s not. It was

The live polio vaccine is not used in the U.S. Anymore. Why? Because it can cause polio. It’s use in Afghanistan and Pakistan has caused outbreaks of vaccine derived polio. There is a lot of debate on the idea that despite its ease of use, it should not be used anymore.

I don’t get the flu shot anymore either. I”m not convinced there is enough evidence that it is particularly effective. I also have autoimmune issues, and have a lot of issues that make getting the shot not so fun. It can make me sick for 3 days with body weakness and mild fever. So, no thanks I don’t get it ( search

They lost me at “nanoparticle adjuvant.” No fucking thanks.

I’m so over this ‘expanding the definition’ bullshit. Just because certain types of assault were ignored ‘back in the day’ doesn’t mean I should just let it slide today. And how someone ‘feels’ about being assaulted isn't the deciding factor in whether or not a crime has been committed.

If he had a case wouldn’t he sue her? Dude with multiple rape allegations prolly ain't THAT unlucky.

Yeah, I'm obsessed with them. You can order them in any colors you want online. I swear I haven't yet. But if I get married.....

I read an article on how almond milk doesn’t have as much protein as milk and other things. Like ok, but I’m just using it for a base in my smoothies and in cereal. I’m not drinking it thinking its fulfilling all my protein or calcium needs.

Obesity, diabetes tes, tooth decay, etc etc

I drink polar seltzer. I added a splash if juice to it till I weaned myself off the sweetness of soda!

A study from Purdue University found that diet sodas are linked to health problems like diabetes, heart disease and might even cause weight gain.

I would avoid any type of artificial sugar, I don’t see how switching them up makes any difference.

The obvious answer is, the subdermal fibers are from healed over wounds. The real problem is, describing it as a “psychiatric issue.” The same was said for CFS/ME, which resulted in the mistreatment of those patients for years, and misuse of research funding/lack of interest in studying the illness, which is not

Why is ok as long as you don’t gloat?

Except there is a disease called bovine digital dermatitis, which has keratin filament formation in skin above the hooves. Bacterial Spirochetes are suspected as the cause. Either all those people are delusional or something seen in and accepted by veterinarians could be spreading in people. That does sound far

Lyme disease is becoming epidemic, and unfortunately for the past 20 years, certain doctors have controlled the narrative. They have staked their reputation on “easy to treat, easy to cure.” Clinically, a lot of doctors are not finding that to be the case if someone tested false negative and goes without treatment or

A “somaticized illness” and “a distorted psychological response”...all things that you said originates in the head. You are saying the physical symptoms are real, but are originating in the brain. As in, a distorted signaling response. Let me guess the causes of that neurological illness: mental, stress, inability to

Because once the bacteria leave your blood stream, 6-8 weeks of doxycycline is not going to do it. A lot of people resort to herbs and homeopathic remedies in desperation, or after antibiotic failure. If you’ve had it a long time, you need IV meds to penetrate the blood brain barrier, and they can cost $5000-10,000.

Wasn’t meant to be aggressive, you should just reconsider using words like “severe psychiatric illness. ” It’s really offensive to people who have been marginalized and already accused by some doctors as being “crazy.” That attitude was used to deny me medical care for years and made it difficult and costly to procure

How does that explain the presence of the fibers subdermally though? Its claimed that the fibers are under the skin, not just IN the lesions.