
Yes, accutane worked. I took it for 6 months, than a year later another 3 months. From what I understand it shrinks your follicles or something.

Then you never really had acne. Everyone gets pimples. Not everyone gets acne. I assure you, if you haven't actually seen your face in 3 years, you don't give two shits about your microbiome.

I feel like the bus would have been cheaper.

I have chronic lyme, I am out of work on FMLA leave. I have been sick since 2005 at least, possibly 2002 or earlier. I have been misdiagnosed with chronic fatigue, fibromyagia and a psychiatric disorder.

Chickens as a rule aren't stupid, I've trained them to walk around cones and peck at certain shapes to teach animal training to students. They have communication skills on par with some primates. Chickens use prior experience and knowledge about past experiences to make decisions. They can solve complex problems soon

I'm more concerned with the pet rabbit trade. Everyone loves a cute cuddly rabbit until they realize they can be difficult pets and end up getting dumped at overcrowded shelters. Growing rabbits for food doesn't necessarily mean they will be mistreated.

sorry, but it's hard for me to listen to rabbit people up in arms over selling rabbits as food. I used to work in a bird of prey center, and rabbit breeders would drop off 30 rabbits at a time for me to euthanize and freeze for food. When you breed fancy rabbits for show, you get a lot if undesirable excess. Before

right, so you support your own right to abortion but pass judgement on people who maybe include Down syndrome in their 'fuckload of genetic defects" list. How feminist of you.

So are you saying that woman who find their fetus to have Down syndrome should not be allowed to abort? It's really not your place to judge what 'challenge' is an acceptable reason to abort or not. That's the usual ' I support your right to choose' but ::insert whatever random moral judgement you want here:::

If I was pregnant and was told my fetus had Down syndrome I would abort, so I don't see how surrogacy would change my desires in that matter. It would just mean I would have to be careful in choosing a surrogate that would respect my wishes. The couple wanted to only continue the healthy fetus to term, the surrogate

this isn't a three year old. I know about stranger danger, but at age nine I was riding my bike all over least this mom knew where her kid was and could easily check on her. I also walked home from school younger than this child.

yeah, there is no reason to assume she's just not into sex at all. If your husband is a bore it's pretty easy to just let it taper off and lose interest entirely

not necessarily true. My bf sucked in bed but I kept dating him hoping it would get better. You know, the whole maybe the problem is I'm not communicating to him? Nope, never improved. He still kissed like a fish and foreplay to him was just rough boob grabs and groping and pain at sex cause he would try to force it.

I have a friend who is vegan, who is now obsessed with raw foods and juicing. I've read a lot about how bad those raw diets are for you, since cooking food increases the nutrient availability and your body does less work digesting. She is also the most vocal about how healthy her diet is and how terrible meat eater's

I agree mostly, but I also really dislike that every time a vegan admits the diet isn't working for them, immediately the "you were doing it wrong" finger pointing begins. It's not out of the realm of possibility that being vegan for some people is incredibly unhealthy. I am one of those people, I was always deficient

Most people don't realize it's a thing they have to do. I had to go in my phone and turn those settings off. I feel like it should be automatically off unless you specifically activate it.

Bloody Mary freaked me out when I was in 3rd grade. I'd like to think that when I became a teenager I stopped believing in ghost stories.

Maybe the same reason many colleges deal with underage drinking violations in-house?

Either they did legitimately rape, which means they should be arrested after proof is gathered.

The mistake some woman make is probably not going to the cops and trying to report it to campus police. I'm not sure who has jurisdiction here and what the outcome would be choosing one over the other.