If you read the post, it stated this: four men that the authors say were found responsible for sexual assault yet allowed to remain on campus.
If you read the post, it stated this: four men that the authors say were found responsible for sexual assault yet allowed to remain on campus.
I think its a bit strange that she is so secretive about it. As a tattooed person, I usually decline to talk about my tattoos because one, they are personal, and two, it means I have to listen to a million stories about everyone else's shitty tattoos. I agree its personal, but I don't hide mine outside of work. Its…
Agree! I can't stand self identified pro-choicers who judge when others get abortions. All I see is a ton of woman berating her and calling her terrible things because she wasn't using birth control. If you get an abortion.. Why do the circumstances of how you got pregnant matter when the end result is the same? Being…
pro-choice people have babies?!?!? No way! I thought they just aborted them all for fun!
If someone raped of murdered my own children, I'd have no problem personally pulling the switch or firing the shot, but I don't think the government should ethically do that. There is what I personally would want done to those people which to me would've be at odds with what a civilized ethical legal system should be…
There are plenty of ways to execute a person, but most of them are not agreeable to the general public. If you want to keep capital punishment as policy, it's in your best interest to make it as unremarkable as possible, otherwise the public might not be too keen on its use. I'm actually quite shocked the amount of…
The problem is that a lot of drug manufacturers where we get the drugs from are in countries that abolished the death penalty and while they wouldn't object to their use for humane euthanasia of animals, they won't allow them for capital punishment. So these states that execute a large number of people, they are…
I think the point is that as drug companies in more civilized parts of the world refuse to sell these drugs to us, states that still execute people are turning to compounding pharmacies to custom mix the drugs. They are also trying out alternatives in untested lethal cocktails...that violates human rights no matter…
Because pentobarbital is an anesthetic and is normally just one ingredient in a lethal injection cocktail. Alone there is no guarantee that it wouldn't cause pain. Michael lee Wilson was executed with a cocktail including pentobarbital and it was reported he was in excruciating pain. It's also poorly regulated and…
Choosing sides in many instances is not fair to ask, because break ups are messy and feelings get hurt. But in my instance, the friend passed himself off as a real charmer and loyal friend, and my friend spoke so highly about him that I overlooked some troubling behaviors. I found out after he was just preying on me…
Exactly. The worst part was she was one of my closest friends, but her boyfriend's friends were more important. I noticed after that she has no real friends of her own, just work colleugues and her boyfriends friends. She essentially took on all his friends because maintaining her own friendships was obviously too…
#2: I never believed in having friends choose sides, but then a mutual friend did some pretty horrible things to me. My best friend choose him, meaning she decided I should be left out because he was uncomfortable around me. I needed to "get over it"...conveniently ignoring the fact that I tried to work it out with…
I was done with Gregory when he asked journalist Glenn Greenwald why he shouldn't be charged with a crime for working with NSA leaker Edward Snowden. The only mainstream news I watch is Rachel Maddow, democracy now and NPR. Meet the Press should just be 'hang with your pals and push talking points' as far as I'm…
Sometimes I am jealous of people who have faith, in that they can believe in a fairytale into adulthood. Why people never grow out of religion, I will never understand. I had a relative tell me "it takes a lot of faith to be an atheist." My response to that is, it still takes more faith to believe in imagined deities…