
“...Kind of like how people were getting pissed at the notion that James Bond could be black or a woman. They affirmed the name is one passed to different agents who get that specific ID number...”

Do actors typically have creative input on character’s sexual preference? Or was Spider-Man ever anything other than straight in the comics?

Somehow, I got placed into the grays over at lifehacker... which is a shame because I used to live on that website.

Did they fix kinja? I frequently can't find replies to comments so the discussions go no where

I always see so much (justified!) complaining on jalopnik about slide shows, I’m surprised they thought it was a good idea to spread to other sites.

So this sounds like you had it connected at one point be decided against it?

... Not connecting it to your internet? I’m not sure if they’re TV sets have some sort of nag setting to annoy you into connecting it. 

So... that’s the other thing... Sometimes, law makers will still push things through no matter the nonsense tacked onto the bill.

Wouldn’t mud inside the tire weak havoc with the wheel/tire’s balancing?

... Do you not know how legislation works in the US?

I wouldn’t say it’s bad for a comedian to do it. It’s part of their job; social commentary, get a rise out of people, etc. I didn’t like it when she did that - I didn’t think it was funny & it was in poor taste but I’m not trying to cancel her.

I’m glad you replied directly to me. I completely misunderstood your initial post & completely agree with you.

No, he didn't edit. It’s called a lack of sleep & caffeine on my part 😔

“....If anything, these people being in office makes it worse than what Kathy Griffin did.”

I don’t remember Kathy Griffin holding office in this country.

You’re adding pure nitrogen to a tire that’s filled with air that’ consists of *mostly* nitrogen.

That’s some questionable badge placement...

Do you think he's living paycheck to paycheck??

Totally agree with you! I saw it in theaters when I was a kid & even rewatching as an adult, it’s charming & funny.

Oh, I’m not refuting you’re suggestion at all! But I know the traffic on the parkway south will have me pulling my hair out... I don’t think I’d ever be able to enjoy that pizza knowing I’ll have to fight more traffic heading home :)