
You should follow r/battlecars & r/battlewagons !


I... kinda like it! Looks well executed.

It sounds like you’re quite the reasonably person...

They also manufacturer ingredients for the food & beverage industry:

Interesting... The house I bought had a super old refrigerator with Ford branding on the door jamb...

... Do you mean lotus notes...?

Oh, that ain’t too bad. When we buy movies for the kiddos (or something not on Disney+), we try to get a version that includes a digital copy to add to the movies anywhere account. I hate playing catch-up with movie formats...

Just curious: How much have you spent over the years on this one movie? Why not go digital?

Also had a 2012 as a rental... very surprised at how 90s the dash was & quick it was. I enjoyed my week with it

A better question is what does it matter what I’m doing during said load times?

Honestly... THAT kind of advertising is acceptable. Ads during loading times are NOT ok... I’m skeptical that loading times can be artificially inflated to prolong ad exposure.


As someone who is a) of Italian descent, b) a huge MCU fan, & c) a current owner of a Jeep vehicle, I’m still unclear how the color ties to Loki.

In all the “research” you conducted, did you ever come across any reason they co-branded this with Loki instead of the Italian national team?

You say that like that’s a bad thing!

Standard dash cams. To my knowledge, only Teslas come with them & it’s mind blowing that more vehicles don’t even offer them. Wouldn’t it make insurers’ & law enforcement’s lives easier if there's video footage of ever incident?

4wd, stick shift, convertible.

So what’s the penalty here? The privilege to wipe your ass with this “ticket” instead of the [presumably] 0.5 ply toilet paper GM supplies in the bathroom?