
The gold also stood out to me. I love me some unique factory paint colors.

As someone who played the fuck out of PSO on Dreamcast, this excites me.

I read your comment so fast I thought you wrote, "Road Turd"

I’m firing from the hip (as in I’m not looking it up, pun intended btw) when I bring this up but wasn’t there rcp-90 in GoldenEye & rcp-120 in perfect dark?

Fuck, they're reproducing

Now playing

You might enjoy this then. It’s a long clip (average by commencement speeches go?) but it’s great:

Alan “Dutch” Schaefer

Hey FCA. Don’t forget about those JLs with the super heated pressure plate :)

Ah, I’m mistaken. It was tough trying to figure out just what the hell were all the differences between trims when I was shopping for a JL. 

There’s so many variables involved with this, it’s impossible to test aftermarket.

Wouldn’t the lift “necessitated" by larger tires negate the fact that larger tires & wheels add weight?

“...Do you know how many people used to ask me growing up, in a non-ironic fashion, if people really ate beetles and chilled monkey brains as delicacies? If all people in India were as decrepit and poor as the villagers? If Kali worship was really human sacrifice / cannibalism?...

Not many movies from some time ago age well as far as cultural sensitivities are concerned! I don’t refute or deny that this movie would be offensive to someone of your background...

I can think of 3 other movies that could pass for Uncharted...

Not a nerd. And it was hot dog shit compared to the other three Indiana Jones movies.

It’s going to be extraordinarily painful for a lot of American workers while it happens.

Oh man. Just because it happened (however many neckbeards crying like fucking babies), doesn’t make it a story worth reporting*.

Almost sets the tone for the game, doesn't it? :)

Considering the amount of citric acid added to these (I’ve developed quite a few at my last job), it’s totally appropriate!

Manuals make the most modest cars more fun to drive.