
Okay but is Mr. Torgue in it? OKAY BUT IS MR. TORGUE IN IT?!

Haven’t played BL3 yet but I just wanted to chime in about point #5 and add....

I get your point in that you’re asking something to be tested for something it was not engineered to withstand... but I think you’re kind of missing the point of the video: cars are becoming increasingly safer.

Do we know if Eli has met with the SF Giants yet?

One day, you’ll realize that many issues, including this one, aren't as black & white like how you're making it out to be.

This is coming up as $89.99 for me...

This is coming up as $89.99 for me...

In what world are you living in where people only use the left lane to pass?

Sorry, Megan. This is one aspect of the 90s that should stay in the 90s.

Sorry, Megan. This is one aspect of the 90s that should stay in the 90s.

Te mantuve esperando, ¿eh?

As a huge Danny Trejo fan, I’m looking forward to all the submissions.

Some people became so angry about microtransactions in the new game that they harassed one of its lead level designers, Mitja Roskaric, on Twitter, causing him to have to lock his account.

Jesus H, someone who knows more goodfellas trivia than myself!

How many onions did you put in that sauce?

For starters, that Goomba’s name was Henry Hill.

You can’t assume that this cat had arthritis & judging from her other video, she records on a carpeted surface, which typically had padding underneath it.

As crazy impressive as this is, I was kinda hoping to hear him continue to play the Goldfinger theme!

I’ve shopped around for insurance recently and no one (at least the big companies) offer any discounts for having one.

Just get one! Anything is better than nothing! You don't need to spend more than $100 for one, or $200 for dual channel (front & rear windows). I even bought a spare in the event I'm renting or borrowing a car. I hate driving without one.

Premium ice creams (haagen daaz, b&j, talenti) typically go on sale for $2.88 a pint where I live too. This might be a good deal at whole foods, but IMO, this is not a deal that warrants an entire blogpost.

So basically, book smart vs common sense smart. You can recite & regurgitate textbooks but are unable to apply knowledge too real life scenarios.