
The president in charge has declared a war on drugs by allowing citizens to act as judge, jury, & executioner on *suspected* drug dealers.... Which is an alright idea on paper until you have people falsely accusing their neighbors of dealing when all they did was take your parking spot.

I hear ya. I’ve also been on the receiving end of a shit storm I didn’t intend to cause here on lifehacker. What’s sad is that they’re (using that term loosely) so fucking blind to their own cause that they start cannibalizing their own.

Despite the shitstorm you caused, I hope you received some answers or perspective that you sought... You trolling in the comments was not my knee jerk reaction & seeing you thank those who took the time to leave a thoughtful response w/o chiding you was refreshing.

Aredub trolled all of us... Look at all the shitposts he littered in this comments section.

I’ll be frank, I never really thought about a house fire, just burglary & that’s my biggest reason for getting that double cylinder, but in the rare event of having company staying over, I’ll keep a key next to them as well.

Not everyone has lived through your experiences! That the fucking point, genius! Get off your moral high horse!

For someone who gives so much grief for being ignorant, you put your own ignorance on display with statements like these:

My kid doesn’t know how to wipe his own ass, let alone unlock a door :)

Sorry, I don’t have time to Google every fucking outrageous claim I come across on the interwebs.

After reading the rest of the comments here, and your subsequent replies to them, you need to cool the fuck down.

It was a legit question, don’t be such a douche about it.

You make it sound like my wife & I do not readily have the keys to unlock it... & that it’s kept locked 24/7. Or that it’s the only entrance/exit in the house.

No shit dude. Impenetrability is not possible so make it more difficult to gain access.

You’re using “teenager” as in mind-set, not age, correct?

Got a source on that being illegal?

Are you positive the deadbolt on that door isn’t a two sided tumbler (need a key to lock/unlock the door on both sides)? First thing we did when we moved into our home.

You didn’t mention if you were offended by your sister’s kids, but if you weren’t, kudos! It seems like you understood the bigger picture. They just saw you as their uncle first and any other aspects of you as secondary. 

Hello! I do not have a current need off the top of my mind, but thanks for checking in. I’m way up north of you. Do you have a storefront/website?

Much like zip recruiter, it’s only funny when burr does it!

Keep your zip recruiter shit posts to his subreddit.