
may point is, should we debate till each side is blue in the face? Do women need to revolt the way slaves did in Southampton County, Virginia, in 1831?

Do you see how you refrained from insulting anyone with you comment and magically, your point comes across without any static? :D

I appreciate your kind words, good sir.

Sorry, but the acceptance of “facts” at face value with no debate is a major detriment to society.

People like that don’t come here open to having their mind changed.

Star’d you because 1) I agree & 2) I wanna see how your words are going to be twisted around and used against you :)

Look, I understand what’s meant by “mansplaining,” but my issue (that several individuals can’t seem to grasp) is that this term, along with any insults that they fling, automatically puts the target audience on the defensive and kills any fruitful discussion.

Here’s a crazy idea for you: take a persuasive writing or speaking class and let me know when they cover, “insulting your target audience.”

Because having an honest and open conversation doesn’t work when people are trying to silence people who disagree with them.

...and you spectacularly still missed the point. Look at how blind you are to your own rhetoric that you can’t discern my feelings on the wage gap.

I said it to someone else in this thread, so now I’ll direct it back towards you:

When you condescend as a tool of explaining your point of view, you effectively shut down the conversation. This includes, but isn’t limited to, the wage gap.

How about giving us a way to rate articles?

Replying & emphasizing because your point often goes missed.

Don’t forget: If you’re working in a public school system, salary info is made public.

How about you not click the article & post a comment, genius?

Definitely trying this recipe! Sounds awesome.

He who rhymed it, crimed it.

I have not driven a 55 ft trailer so I’m not trying to be an expert in that, or vehicular autonomy.

Has any reader seen someone kicked off a plane for farting? I’d like to hear about it. I’m sure the culprit would deny it and the evidence, while recirculating in the cabin, would be tough to pin on someone.