
I've been using Truecrypt on my notebook ever since system encryption became available a few years back and never had any problems with it. My drive is partitioned into windows (system truecrypt-ed), linux (home encrypted) and one big NTFS data partition (also truecrypt-ed) that is available to both OS-es.

Images speak louder than words.

I could never sleep in something like this without having nightmares about being trapped. Like in one of those Alien movies, when the aliens strap you to the wall in front of a hatching egg and then Ripley comes to save you in like the last possible moment and then you fly away in a space ship...

Move along folks, nothing to see here but old memes...

@dagfar: Can't help it but promote this song.

@s8ist: That was my first association too.

If we could make a spaceship that constantly accelerates at 1G, a trip to Gliese 581 would last only 6 years for its passengers due to relativistic time dilation effects. They would probably ROFL all during the trip while listening to our almost 4 times faster "helium" voices as it would take 22 earth years for them

@Standish: Lock him in a room. Full stop.

@Jack Sampson: But they are obviously working on it:

How true. And there's no one else to blame but lazy programmers: "Oh, yes, we implemented face recognition, voice commands, full HD video, etc. in our device, but it can't do logarithms."

@Clashwerk: I always wondered what it feeds on. Well, now we know: ceiling mice.

It's funny how they've (reluctantly?) selected a proven and widely accepted XMPP protocol that has been working without a glitch for others (Google Talk, Jabber...) and still managed to bork it.

Being an insider doesn't really help in predicting future. Exhibit A:

@Nick P: Wonderful indeed, thanks!

Obviously, their adds are targeting "normal" people. Kind of hard to understand for us gadget-freaks...