
@Crowbot: It could help you make a prototype, the rest is easy...

@Christian Lindfors: But you still have to learn how things work. This is about that.

@Synthfilker: They also have lean mean hipster outfits like this. Hide your husband...

@JJCC: I find all of your above rants to be completely unfounded and irrelevant. You completely misunderstood the whole point and purpose of breadboarding. Also, I think you should seek professional help.

Wohoo! I'm going to try this, thanks for the tip!

@Frostbite: She always buys some kind of plain, white rice. And I swear there are some (cheap) brands that can never be cooked properly, no matter how you try. Either that, or there's a microsecond time window when you should stop cooking that I always seem to miss...

@soulever989: They kind of never went away. Their operating principle is still around, in plasma TV screens.

Car dealer hogwash, exactly - you should double check that "nanny" story. Funny how it's always some "old lady", a "first owner" who "hardly ever drove it" and so on... darn politicians. I meant, car salesmen.

I suppose I should get one, because as soon as I figure out how to properly cook one kind of rice, my wife gets some other brand and there we go again...

@mouche: X=time, Y=frequency, Z=intensity (color coded)

@mipakr: It's fine, yes. Mine didn't recognize only one song so far, and when I figured it out somehow, even YouTube didn't have it.

Some fun with numbers: back in 1976, Cray-1 delivered 170 Mflops (Disney used it to render the original Tron movie in 1982). Today's 6-core i7 processors deliver over 100 Gflops, but are totally beaten by the latest Radeon GPU which does it in Tflops.

Oh, how I miss those good old days when motherboard manufacturers paid more attention to functionality than good looks. Not to mention the whole useless army of fancy fan&heatsink producers.

@willyolio: I don't get it. What connection do you see between microwaves and lasers, exactly? Admittedly, both are electromagnetic waves, but the difference in frequencies is, for lack of better word, astronomic (300GHz vs. 300THz).

How about rickrolling someone this way, would it also count as self-rickroll?