
Early polls since the debate seem to reflect that fact, but my faith in this country has really been shaken at this point. That it’s even gotten this close in the first place horrifies me, so I won’t be optimistic until November 9th rolls around and we’re getting preparations underway to swear in President Clinton

Dude, cheez its aren’t kids food... they’re the nectar and ambrosia of stoners. I think they put cocaine in those; once you start you seriously cannot stop.

Its a spell book. She’s a mage.

I pray that they try and sue the two guys who intervened for assault. I PRAY

I’m so tired of this story in every single way.

What a strange vapid little song. Is it satire? I really can't tell.

None of the Targaryens are not fireproof, not even Dany. Dany surviving the pyre was a one time miracle.

Yes, I like to think that not being explicitly killed means Nymeria can return. But I also thought Lady Stoneheart would be a major plot point.

When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then you will get the next book, and not before.

ETA: Of course Arya can’t kill Cersei, because of the prophecy

Me throughout that entire scene.

Hold your nose and vote for the dem nom WHOEVER THAT IS. Because this is the world the Repubs want and it will be hell for women.

i don’t want them either. maybe i’d adopt, maybe, but i’ve never wanted kids, and at 27 i don’t see that changing anytime soon. just the thought of being pregnant gives me the creeps.

Did you hear about this via

God yes! I don’t even want part of his face to be visible in the corner of my eye! Sick fuck.