
Not affordable for the roughly 20% of Americans who are jobless and including those who have gotten discouraged and dropped out of the labor market. Not affordable for those underemployed because their hours are reduced. Not actually affordable for kids in college who won't find a decent job after graduating to pay

Which is a logical but poor justification for the sociopathic behavior corporations exhibit.

Copyright infringers can still return to torrents and emule still has a million or so users.

If you'd read the article you'd have seen it estimates an iPhone would cost $65 more if made in the USA. Still profitable.

You must be ignorant of how states are competing against each other for large employers in their own race to the bottom. Texas has drawn businesses out of other states by offering subsidies in addition to low or no taxes. Other states are doing the same. It's hurting states that have fair and even corporate tax

Not a few decades ago. One hundred years ago. Before the 40 hour workweek. When employees had no rights, no safety protections, and no time to live outside of work. Unlike the USA, China doesn't have democracy for the people. They have no real way to get their Communist rulers to change things. If things did change,

I don't think I learned about the greater than symbol until middle school.

If frequencies are like colors, I'd say it's less like drawing a mustache, and more like manipulating the color of the picture. Like taking a photo in a rain forest and increasing the saturation of the greens. Or adjusting a sunset over the ocean so there's even more red, or pink, or tinting the water purple.

Without waiting for a large enough gap in traffic for you to smoothly yield to pedestrians like you're supposed to, I assume?

CES is closed to the general public. So both exhibitors and attendees are there in professional capacity as buyers, sellers, networkers, researchers, reconnaissance and journalists. That's why it's a professional situation, if not the workplace. Probably most are getting paid by their employers to attend.

For at least as long as the United States of America will last, there will be strip clubs or porn. But those aren't appropriate in the workplace. Neither is sexual harassment. It's just not OK to overtly bring sexual objectification into professional situations. That's why booth babes aren't appropriate anymore. I

They don't have your deal anymore. Now it's $60 for unlimited talk and 2GB, $50 for unlimited talk and 100MB, and $30 for 100 minutes and 5GB for new activations only and only through their website or Walmart. I didn't jump on your deal when it was offered so I have the older "Even More Plus" plan for $60 unlimited

Save up $600. Buy the phone you want. When a new phone you want arrives, sell the old one for ~$450 and buy the new one for $600. When a new phone you want arrives, sell the old one for ~$450 and buy the new one for $600...

True, but women are statistically smaller than men with proportionally smaller hands. How many women will want to use this when it's hard for them to use with one hand?

Consider the time it takes to go bungee jumping including transit. If you weren't going jumping, how much of that time might you spend walking and crossing streets? That time you might otherwise spend could have a higher chance of you getting hit by a car than of the rope breaking. If so you're better off bungee

The Verizon Galaxy Nexus was bungled. It wasn't ready when ICS was announced and came out weeks after other countries got theirs. It missed out on riding the first wave of awareness, interest, and sales.

That's the HS25. It's a limited version of the 30. Buy the 30 to get a lithium ion battery pack. But then buy a second pack for $30 so you have a spare for a heavy day of shooting or while the first one charges. People who own the older version already have rechargeable batteries. They're probably happy the HS25 lets

Since before electronics, camera companies have used different thread spacing to encourage users to buy the same brand lenses to go with the bodies. Disposable lighters could be made refillable. Other plastic devices have catches that click into place when closed up. If the consumer tries to open them the catches

However the manufacturer is not obligated to facilitate you using their product outside their designs. Especially if you know before purchasing it has an encrypted bootloader or will shut down near a race track.

It's an iPad. What do you actually need wireless for? Batteries for it would add more weight and cost to the controller.