Look, it’s not Floyds fault he beats women. If he wasn’t born into oppression at the hands of the white devil he’d be a real mother Theresa
Look, it’s not Floyds fault he beats women. If he wasn’t born into oppression at the hands of the white devil he’d be a real mother Theresa
Definitely something writers at gawker no allllll about...
This isn’t even a political article. This is glorified national enquirer type shit
The reason is literally black and white....
Don’t vote, don’t whine. Pretty simple
Yeah! Fuck one of the most liberal cities in America.
HahahahahahahahahahahHahahahahahaha waaaah waaaaah waaaah waaaah. Fuck you deadspin, you whiny little brats
It’s the white folks fault that President Obama was an awful leader the last 8 years
This made my head hurt
Burneko trying to sound like a trendy college kid when he talks (writes) is the most cringeworthy thing on this site
I once failed a drug test while playing college hockey in Canada because of my addiction to poppy seed muffins
The words “racist” “racism” etc have lost all meaning in today’s society. Similar to how we toss around words like hate or use fuck so frequently they’ve really lost their meaning.
“The whites”
The most offensive part of all this is you referring to Harvey as the Mets ace. Also while a stupid costume, his last name being Harvey, perhaps he wanted to include some Harvey Dent? Idk
Imagine the criticism if someone wrote these type of articles about the Obamas.
It blows my mind that some turd is paid to write articles like this.
Too say Collins is much better than Hightower is asinine. I don’t get the trade but Hightower is the better LB of the two. Wears the green dot, is the rock on D. But, regardless, this trade is confusing as hell
Miller is gonna be out of the league in like 3 years anyway