
I have a serious question, so don't take this the wrong way. I do not find myself as a part of this outrage culture and I'm just wondering, do you guys just search the internet all day in order to force out meaningless apologies so that you feel better about yourselves? Seems strange to me but then again I'm not

Is Portnoy allowed to make fun of Jewish folk? His name is David Portnoy for Christs sake

John Buccigross fucking sucks

Shhh don't use logic. This is for deadspin stans to point out how dumb Bill Simmons is duhhhh

Bomani sucks

Also, Ventura is 6' 200 lbs he's not the Incredible Hulk but he's not Verne Troyer like Petcheskys goofing looking ass is trying to portray

If Petchesky never talked about hockey again the world would be a better place

lol this is awful

I’m Albert Burneko and I have headlines like “the finals are butt” because I so desperately want to be hip and cool

His momma call him Cassius....

You've nearly managed to make a Cubs fan root for the Cardinals. Christ this is awful

Fatso deadspin writer attacks the athleticism and hand eye coordination of a professional basketball player. I hate this dude and everything about the Cavs and wouldn't you know sad sack Burneko has me taking his side. Fuck Burneko with an entire bag of warted dicks

This guy is a mega douche

Bruins over Blackhawks in 2013. Then there's no fake Chicago dynasty. Boston, LA, Chicago all have 2 cups since 2010

Yeah fuck white people!

Oh a Cavs “fan” I'm shocked

James Jones

I’m not even a soccer fan, but Francesa is such a god damn hack. I don’t get why people love the guy so much.

Congratulations deadspin, you've mad end sympathetic to the fucking Cardinals. Way to go.

That kid is dead. Or at least paralyzed.