
Yes I know. My point was simply if you’re gonna be a smarmy “FTP” ass hole at least try and understand that there’s a substantial difference between jail and prison. which its becoming increasingly obvious that the guy who made the original comment had no earthly idea of

This is actually dumber than your original comment which is a truly remarkable accomplishment

Lol what? Prisons are run by a warden as well as prison guards etc not police officers. Just because you don't understand the difference between prison and jail isn't my fault. Take a lap

Yes and this would make sense had he/she used the word jail which they didn't. Carry on

I mean I don't know if you think cops run prisons or what but they're entirely different entities

Harbaugh is a dipshit and Michigans 10 win season was a joke. Lost to every good team they played (no Florida was not a good team) huge wins of UNLV, Maryland, Northwestern and Rutgers though. Fuck Jim Harbaugh

Is this something I should read to educate myself on how to react to gawkers death?

Nobody fucking cares

Philly offering this and Tennessee not accepting is a pretty good indication as to why both teams suck

Better to be pitcher than catcher

Haha I've literally never heard anyone refer to Massachusetts as the Florida of the northeast. And technically speaking wouldn't Florida have to be the Massachusetts of the south east? Idk this is silly haha

Uh this guy is very good. And so was josh Gordon. Doesn't matter who you are you fail drug tests you get suspended...

If I stopped smoking pot to get a job at the fucking local grocery store I think these guys can stop smoking pot to play in the NFL.....

Errr ummm I do not think that's what was implied in the least. I think he was stating it was odd that an alleged victim of rape would return to sleep in her alleged rapists bed hours after the attack. But do you

One of my best friends from high school was a goalie and I saw this play out a thousand times

The most sane goalie I knew was the most outrageous kid at my high school. When I played junior in Quebec, those guys were just off the rails. It's amazing.. And worrisome

Settle down little fella

As a center, goalies are fucking psychos and you all need to chill the fuck down

This is some real life “The Blacklist” style shit. In saying that I’m assuming he faked his own death. Who knows, let’s get Elizabeth Keen & Ray Reddington on the case

Imagine being the intern who runs Twitter for deadspin and accidentally tweeting “Washington Redskins” “hey rookie that’s Washington football team you fucking idiot!”