Neil Sharpson

What, like when ze Germans get here?

Don't forget gay marriage, repealing don't ask don't tell, the Paris Accord and getting Bin Laden and frankly I think your assessment of his handling of the financial crisis is way too harsh. Plus, as a non American I can tell you he improved the US's global standing immeasurably.

Oh wait, you meant kidding because I was comparing Obama to Lincoln. Obviously his accomplishments don't rival Lincoln's but he was still a massively influential president. By the same token, it's hard to imagine Trump being as bad as Andrew Johnson (he said, tempting fate).

I wasn't saying that Lincoln was a failed president, if that's what you're asking, he obviously wasn't. I'm saying that Obama shouldn't be considered a failure simply because of his successor. Especially one he campaigned so hard to defeat.

I don't think he'll be looked on as a failed president. Lincoln isn't considered a failed president despite being followed the very worst presidency and Lincoln was far more responsible for Johnson than Obama is for Trump.

So. This is what it feels like. When doves cry!

I say big budget TV series. Am I the only one who finds the universe Herbert created far more fascinating than any of the stories he actually chose to tell in it?

No! No dammit I'm not ready! I'M NOT READY!

I feel like I've wandered into an alternate reality. I review animated movies and I had absolutely zero awareness of this thing even existing

New, recast Red Skull. Calling it now.

"Tsk. You missed the blind man, you missed the baby…"

Gotta disagree with that. Reanimator is absolutely dripping with anti-black prejudice.

They already had the best possible deal, access to the trading block, free movement in Europe and exempt from Schengen and the Eurozone. The union may end up splitting over this. Scotland will want another referendum. Northern Ireland may even decide that EU subsidies and an open border with the South are worth more

As an Irishman: Jesus, Britain if you're going to fuck us that hard at least buy us dinner first.

Don't worry about it. Yer good people.

One line in Pride of Baghdad: "You ANIMALS!"

You don't need to be able to read to enjoy the New York review of books!

What REALLY bugged me about this is that Karen is apparently stupid enough to immediately suspect that Matt is having sex with Elektra while a random old dude waits outside for some reason.

For Wolverine? Makes perfect sense. My only worry is that Warner will think an R rating is what's been missing from Superman this whole time.

It's a longform story at detailing a timeline where Richard Nixon ran against a more centrist Democrat instead of McGovern and how the entire world goes to shit. Highly recommended, scrupulously researched and frighteningly plausible. I only mentioned it because Spiro Agnew plays a major role in