Neil Sharpson

Hey Spiro have you read Fear, Loathing and Gumbo?

Holy shit this thing was still on the air!!!!?!

Classic Dev.

Actually, if I recall correctly they were the first nation to recognise us. They also borrowed money off us and gave us the Russian Crown Jewels as collateral. Which we then put on a safe and forgot about for like fifty years.

Ah, you know his work.

Tis Martin McDonagh you're thinking of.

It's weird to hear Conor McPherson described as just "an Irish playwright". I'm Irish and I work in theatre and McPherson in my circles is a pretty big effing deal. Probably the most successful Irish playwright of his generation.


Close. "Is feidir leis a bheith dha rud." would be closer to "It can be two things." And now that I've corrected your vocabulary it's time to wait for someone to come along and correct my grammar. Irish is a team sport.

This guy knows what's what.

I think you're all forgetting a little classic called MARMADUKE.

Or, in Irish, the shizzle.

Surely you have to be Anglican if you're the head of the Anglican church?

Oh that fucking guy. In Ireland we call him Seamus an Caca (James the Shit).

Not "constantly"? That's nice.

Yeah, they had some in our history books in school.

What did it say about the Irish (I'm Irish and we're insanely insecure).

I like SOPA. Check. Mate.

Sir, you strike me as a man of taste and breeding.

I suppose they're enlightened enough to realise that it was not his fault. My personal headcanon was that after the battle the admiralty had a "What do we about Picard?"meeting with some demanding his pips on a platter and some wanting to continue as if nothing had happened. As a compromise it was agreed that he could