Cabrera's Angels

Why’d you get a PS5 then, knowing next gen would be increasing the price of games? Worse. Why leave your comment bragging about being cheap?

I don’t know, I imagine there’s decent overlap in the venn diagram of “People who bought the PS5 in the first few months” and “Willing to pay full price for a game”

The bench company is constantly testing their benches for noodle eating performance, using a team of

“What if we only murder unarmed black people on weekends? Look, we’re offering a compromise here and you’re just not trying to meet us part way at all.”

When “enlightened centrists” talk about both sides uniting, I feel like this is what they had in mind.

Mike Rowe’s Dirtiest Job:  Oil Propagandist

Given the video’s mention of “exclusive shots, sexy photos, and topless content”, one imagines that she’s got a pretty good idea of that.

I dunno, compared to some waifu figures I think this is more problematic as a physchological hazard:

I’ll play through the game again, but not until all the DLC is out. Some games are extremely replayable many times, some games are a good ride that you leave behind when you’re done. This is the latter.

That’s cool and all, but I 100% cleared the game and won’t be coming back to it any time soon. Solid 7/10 on PC, but the amount of updates/QoL it needs would warrant just a completely new game.

Not ‘No cops spawning inside a locked room you just cleared’. Just ‘Fewer’.

Entirely guessing from what I saw, but it looked to me like you ‘earn’ whatever the game currency is from completing tasks, which allow you to buy bigger equipment to handle bigger tasks and so on and so on.

Old release date: Never

Eh. Authenticity is over-rated. Very few musicians are truly “authentic” and the few who are or ever were part of whatever socio-economic class is “supposed” to make music like that will quickly stop being part of that class as soon as the become successful. Unless you’re main music consumption comes from listening to

They are to folk music what Coldplay are to rock. Which makes them much, much worse than Coldplay, because at least those guys don’t pretend to be the authentic earthy rural types.

Boring middle-class white people everywhere are absolutely OUTRAGED right now at this brave yet controversial commentary 

I mean I guess its just numbers game. If you have 500,000 viewers/subscribers/what ever. If only 1% of them give money thats still 5000 people. If on average those 5000 are giving $1 a week, for each individual person that is less than $5 a month and can be treated as throw away money. For the streamer that is >$20k a

I just can’t get over the idea that the average streamer is expected to be on air for 8 hours a day. Not even old radio DJs or news show people ever did anything that long.