Neil Poon Handler

Fuck this bigoted, piece of shit administration. May it burn in hell.

Ginger, get the popcorn!

Well, this What's On Tonight installment actually has more than two paragraphs this time. Good job, guys! I still miss fhe premiere/finales covered and the streaming pick, though.

Man, this new What's On Tonight format fucking blows. TWO PARAGRAPHS for what used to be a pretty great column?

So is it just me or can you not see how many comments an article has at the top anymore? Bizarre.

So what's with the new, super short What's On Tonight format? Is this the new format from now on? And what's this talk about freelancers now longer writing this column? I must have missed this memo. You would think that The A.V. Club would have released a statement about changes to the column.

At last our long national nightmare is over.

Lol wat

America, I'm very disappointed in all of you.

This night fucking sucks. Really, America??? Really - you're electing this guy? This sentient septic tank?

Is Timeless no longer being reviewed? I don't see a review up.

So BrainDead is cancelled apparently, so that fucking sucks (although not surprising). I imagine we might get a Newswire about that later today.

It's up now.

Agreed - my brother and I have been watching Star Trek: Voyager on Netflix (only watching the ones worth watching for the most part, according to a watch it/skip it guide), and his role on the show was really great.

Fuck me, Ray Bradbury - the greatest sci-fi writer in history!


YOU DID IT, LEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DA FUCK!!???

Ridin' with Biden!

Son of Saul = perfect family entertainment!