Neil Can't Think Of A Good Name

I can’t take my wife and three kids in a Corvette.

Because I don’t want a corvette; I want a sedan.

as this is the internet, i suspect by this time next year we’ll all be driving down Freeway McRoadFace.

DSM owners, I’ve found, are extremely intelligent, have discerning tastes, and possess an ineffable charm.

Now playing

found the video and yes it is the Judd engines slk

I was driving back alone from Houston to Austin (about 180 miles for the non-Texans among us), and I had JUST hit the halfway point. I was driving my trusty, shitty, awful, IS300. I was about 10 miles from my favorite toilet, Hruska’s, and had just passed my favorite miniature horse farm.

Pfft. Been done.

Look man.... I don’t like it any more than yo do, but I’m in too deep at this point. Two...okay three more videos and then after launch, no one will talk about this car ever again. I promise :D

My wife and I have two vehicles: a 2016 Mazda6 i Touring and a 2013 Mazda CX-5 Sport. We have one child, a son, and he is seven-weeks-old as of today.

How about switching to an inline-17? Why? Because I’m curious to hear what an I17 sounds like at 20,000 RPM.

Every time I’m driving and notice a questionable noise or smell, I assume it must come from my car, which is about to explode.

My wife who never interferes in my ridiculous car buying behaviours is convinced that if I drive a motorcycle, I will die. Final Destination style.

There are benefits, but none as ground breaking as battery swapping like you mentioned.

This is the first time I’ve heard of these boards blowing up in someone’s face.

If this question is way to “Duh...” and I’ve just not been paying attention to formula E enough for it to be obvious please, ignore me.

Watt’s the big deal about Formula E? It seems to become more popular each season. It must be due to less resistance on the part of the fans. Stef, please keep us up to date on your current escapade.

you might be correct that buying a new car was a poor decision. however if you are already in the situation the above steps could be helpful.

I think the only thing better would be a Gremlin.

I may be in the minority here but I’d totally buy clear doors as an optional extra. When I had my old YJ I used to love riding with the doors off but its a lot less practical in winter....This could be cool

AMC Eagle. Almost a battle wagon stock.